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Carer's Posts

How about a Blue Ribbon day about preventing violence against men/boys by women of which I have had first hand experience?

Wow. There are certainly some brain dead idiots in those shots.

@Webmaster Thanks for the info update and for all the hard work you do.

Such a shame.

Nice pictures.

A misogynist, liar, disrespectful, arrogant criminal. As the Barry Maguire song from the 60's, "we're on the eve of destruction".

Well done.

Good to see. The Dawlish RBL do a great job.

Would be better if we saw the mayor opening the bridge over the brook in the manor gardens. I will not be holding my breath to see it as I will be long gone before it/if it happens. The council are a waste of space. Not at all interested in the proper local projects that will benefit the community.

Well done.