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General Discussion

5 Nov 2015

FAO Killjoys 1. How on earth has the animal kingdom survived all these years during Guy Fawkes/Bonfire Night? 2. Why didnt birds leave cities during the blitz in WW2? Surely there was a bit of noise then! 3. If you are that concerned, why not stay at home and comfort your pets, or are you one of those people who leave them at home alone? Happy Bonfire Night everybody, ...

5 Nov 2015

@monty You are so kind.

5 Nov 2015

I hope the marching band at the head of the RBL Remembrance Sunday Parade don't make too much noise then, especially that big bass drum, or you will probably complain about that.

3 Nov 2015

So people who are at home celebrating a special event, not just fireworks which is a traditional English celebration, will not be allowed to let off a few fireworks. (Weddings, Birthdays, Anniversaries, Births, Christenings, and so on) Why not ban the Police helicopter from hovering and flying low? Why not ban loud motorbikes and cars from driving around? Close Exeter airport as their ...

24 Oct 2015

Don't they look great down the Strand. I shall be wearing mine (a small one lol) with Pride .

@roberta . You will find that your Blue bin is emptied weekly.

19 Oct 2015

@ Merlin. I have no idea what you are on about. As I was referring to putting raw peelings from the garden amongst the grass cuttings etc, I never mentioned the water system at all so just cannot understand your logic.

18 Oct 2015

I cannot understand why they wont accept vegetable peelings (potato, carrot, onion etc) into the garden waste bin. After all, it comes from the garden and is waste. Yes, I know it is food but where do you grow your own veg? In the garden, so it becomes garden waste. They take the foliage/stems from what is grown so you would think that raw peelings would be accepted as well.

Get a catapault and some of that coloured gravel you see in fish tanks for ammo.

@BEE9 I am not 100% certain but I think that the land is part of the Luscombe estate. Someone correct me if I am wrong.

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