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General Discussion

It stems from the BLACK POWER (Racist) 'salute'  of the 1960's and the same so called salute has now been adopted by the BLM movement which has recently been revived by the death of a criminal called George Floyd, who liked to point a loaded gun at a pregnant womans stomach so he could obtain cash for his drug habit.

30 Aug 2020

The BLM clenched fist is NO different to the Nazi salute. Both are RACIST!!!!!

29 Aug 2020

@Lynne Does that include us white English who were slaves to the Romans and anyone else who invaded us? Or is it because that was past history and we don't have a chip on our shoulder? Also, tell that to the hundreds and thousands who fought and gave their lives for this country so that we ALL could live a better life instead of under the Nazi Jackboot!

28 Aug 2020

Wouldn't it have been nice if the mixed race/blacks INTEGRATED with the people/area where they moved to, or do WE have to  change OUR way of lives to make them happy? BTW, WHOSE country is this? W L M

@Lynne . They are so ugly. I wouldn't want to live in one of those.

For one, I hope that the planning goes ahead, as the whole seafront from the viaduct eastwards looks an eyesore and is in a disgusting state. As for the boathouse, last time I saw it, there were holes in the roof and was in a very sad state of repair, so if that is an asset to the town, it doesen't say much about Dawlish itself. People want to save it for the sake of disrupting future ...

5 Aug 2020

To the Parent(s) of the 10y/o (approx) boy on a BMX on the sea wall last Friday 31/07/20 about 1100hrs. You need to keep your 'little darling' under control and teach him some manners after he rode past me and my friend then spat on the floor, 50cm behind where my friend was standing. Teach him some manners and also inform him that (especially) in these days, it is more than just a ...

Sounds like normal day to day running of Ryanair!

The sea wall
27 Jul 2020

Not long until the irresponsible dog owners let their little sh*t machines leave a mess on it.

@ FredBasset I for one, hope that I NEVER meet you face to face. It's people like you (I am not allowed to tell you exactly what I really think of you) that have helped spread this awful virus, and keep it going in the future.

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