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General Discussion

23 Oct 2021 09:34
We have successfully started vaccinations for the covid boosters at Dawlish hospital.
We are only vaccinating those who are over 65, or, under 65 AND in an at risk category. Healthy 50-64 year olds will need to book via the National Booking System (119) when invited.
Boosters cannot be given earlier than 182 days (6 months), please wait for us to contact you. We are texting, emailing and calling eligible patients, however we have thousands of patients to invite and are doing so in order of those due first.
Similar to last time, we are sending texts with a booking link. You may need to use the date drop down box at the top to view more clinic dates, as the system only shows the next 14 days by default. When selecting the dates from the drop down, you need to click submit in order for the next 14 days to show.
If you cannot use the online booking function please call your surgery. Please do not phone Dawlish hospital as they are unable to book patients in.


25 Oct 2021 17:44

Got mine booked and looking forward to having it. yes smileycool

1 Agree
30 Oct 2021 15:23

By definition of a vaccine by the C.D.C these injections are NOT vaccinations. Got a problem with it take it up with the C.D.C.


Is anyone's medical history checked by a qualified medical professional to assess before the injection?

Is the person being advised of the possible complications so they can make a balanced decision on whether to actually take it

1 Agree
31 Oct 2021 18:46


Well, thanks to you and people like you, this pandemic is carrying on and on and on.

If you are so positively sure that this is a scamdemic, then why not go to a Covid ward and see all the people who like you who think it's a scam, and give them a big kiss and breath in the air that they have exhaled, THEN if you survive, come back and tell us, but until then, stop your stupid anti covid comments!!!!! 

7 Agrees
31 Oct 2021 21:29

@Carer - as you've had the two jabs and will blindly take any number of boosters the government will throw at you, then surely you are fully protected?  What anybody else does can't possibly affect you.

2 Agrees
01 Nov 2021 09:18

It does affect all of us if we are waiting for other health issues to be addressed but the NHS is blocked due to non vaccinated people taking up NHS time & beds

4 Agrees
01 Nov 2021 14:05

@ deedoddle  how many now dead anti-vaxers  if they had their time agian would  wish they woud have liked to debate the merits of Vaccinations definations with CDC

2 Agrees
01 Nov 2021 14:10

EVERYONE  should be vaccinated , with the conclusion yes some will die , some will have allergic reactions etc etc but stastically you take your chance same as crossing the street ...............  not vaccinated stay indoors and keep the hell away from the majority of the public who have......................


End of....................

2 Agrees
01 Nov 2021 16:26

Why are the vaccinated so afraid of the unvaxxed, and want them to hide away. It seems they have no faith that the vax actually works.

2 Agrees
02 Nov 2021 11:43

were afraid because their stupid ..!!!!

02 Nov 2021 11:51

@Carer..... I was in hospital for 7 days earlier this year and on the 2nd morning and the 2nd ward I was placed next to a cougher, 4.5 hours later I overheard him being told he had been tested positive for covid and off to the covid ward he went. I was then shipped around different wards for the next 5 days due to the fact I had been in close contact with a covid leper.

I was tested with a dodgey pcr test everyday I was in the hospital and all came back negative. The bloke I was stuck next to in a small ward who coughed within 8 feet of me for 4.5 hours was, by his own admission double vaxxed.

The intial wave of some virus, you cannot define the virus as it has never been identified, blew over quite quickly and mainly affected those that were of average age around 82.5 with underlying health issues. In other words a sars virus doing what it normally does during winter.

Most died in hospital from being place intubated and put on a regime of drugs that, in my opinion, hastened their demise.

If you took a breath and actually looked at the ONS stats, yes the government stats, you may actually learn what is actually going on.


I suppose you are one of the witch finder brigade who think all children and babies should have the covid injection and boosters. I don't identify this covid jab as a vaccine and nor does the c.d.c. Look up the defintion of a vaccine and explain to me how you believe that these jib jabs are vaccines.

I am not jib jabbed and as long as I breath I will not accept an experimental, emergency use authorised non vaccine for a supposed non identified virus that kills less than a 1 percent of dying from this unicorn disease.


Why don't you have a look at the ratio's of deaths from vaxxed and unvaxxed over the time period since the jib jab started.

Anti covid comments really sums up your mentality in a nutshell.

My father supposedly died of covid earlier this year. He had been suffering poor health for decades and when he entered the hospital for the last time he tested negative, he was then moved to a ward that had a group of people in it that were coughing and he was tested again...still negative. He was then tested again and surprise, surprise he was positive sortly after that he was dead.


I have gone nearly 2 years, yes 2 YEARs with going to the supermarket with and without masks. At the point I was not wearing a mask to go to the supermarket, which I usually spend about 45 mins to an hour in, was at the peak of the so called pandemic. I have spent 7 days in hospital next to and around covid patients. So get off your high horse and do some research.



1 Agree
02 Nov 2021 11:54

@1263   In my opinion it is those that have been laughingly vaccinated who are the concern. Those that have lasted nearly 2 years without this unicorn jib jab are, in genneral,  still healthier and have better immune systems.

As I have said before wood and trees, time will be the great discloser and at the rate things are unfolding might not be that far into the future, in my opinion.

02 Nov 2021 11:57

@burneside, the fact that the great vaxxed are at higher risk of catching covid and dying from it compared to unvaxxed in my opinion. I would say that based on the C.D.C definition of a vaccine. The great vaxxed have been jib jabbed but not vaccinated, but what do I where has my 5g tin foil hat gone.....ha, ha, ha, ha.

02 Nov 2021 14:39

@deedoodle - have  it engraved on your tombstone "damn I should not be dying of covid  as the C.D.C  didn't define the jag that could have saved me as a vaccine."

1 Agree
02 Nov 2021 19:32
02 Nov 2021 22:02
05 Nov 2021 08:51

@1263    Bucket    head   advice old chap.

07 Nov 2021 23:11

"...Neither the CDC nor the FDA stipulate that vaccines must stop transmission of a virus, both stating that a vaccine is a product that stimulates the immune system to produce immunity to an infectious agent..." US Sources.


"...Vaccines are a type of prescription-only medicine. Their purpose is to stimulate a person's immune system to produce antibodies that fight a specific disease, so that the person develops 'immunological memory'..." UK HofC definition.


I don't see how Deedoodle can argue that the Covid jabs are not vaccinations. Reading too many cospiracy theorists maybe.

6 Agrees
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