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Taxi Driver

Taxi Driver's Posts

Maybe the cones are there because of an ice cream delivery?

Sainsburys did initially say that they were going to provide a cafe facility either instore or built next to it. I have made enquiries and it seems that the plan has been shelved.

I have had a look on the internet and they are Tamarisk trees. Many thanks guys for your input.

28 Sep 2011

I wonder if anyone knows the type of trees at Sprey Point, Teignmouth. Sorry to be such a numpty but a friend has some in his garden and doesn't know what they are either. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks . . .

Today I wanted to buy some milk and a couple of other items. So I decided to shop in Costcutters which is convenient for me. I also shop at the Coop, OneStop and Sainsburys as well. So I went in did my bit of shopping, went to the checkout, looked in my pockets and discovered that I had forgotten my cash but had my debit card with me. (You know what's coming next, don't you?) Yes, at the ...

Telephone Scam
18 Nov 2010

I had a call the other day, the same as this one. He sounded quite convincing, also said he was working on behalf of Microsoft. I listened for a couple of minutes as he described the process, then I asked him who my ISP was. That floored him, he couldn't tell me. Obviously a scam. The best thing to do is to say you are not interested and hang up. Do not on any account give any details, passwords, ...

It is a great shame, but we all knew it was coming. After all the carnival happens every year. As for myself I did all the shopping on Tuesday and parked my car outside my house and left it there. I had to go out today but used the shopper bus and went on the number 2 to Newton. No problem for me. As it's only once a year, perhaps you should be prepared for it next year. I believe the carnival is ...

Dawlish Coaches
12 Aug 2010

I rang Country Bus today and they said they are going to take over the running of the 186 Shopper service. There will be a service between 9am and 4pm tomorrow,(Friday 13th), and they are finalizing details for the rest of the service. The person I spoke to could not give me a date when the service will be run regularly but hopes that it will be within the next few days. Hope that helps. For ...

I'll do almost anything for a free plate of steak and chips! But Mark is right, this is an opportunity to get something for nothing. There are a lot of firms in the Warren who are members of the site and with the profits they make during the year I am sure they could afford to pay the necessary fees to use photos which have been submitted. After all, they won't give you anything for nothing! So ...

I have always thought that tourists that come to Dawlish were called 'Grockles', but I am sure that if I am wrong someone will put me right. I for one am grateful for the tourists, I am proud of our town and it is so nice to hear visitors say how much they like it here. They bring much needed revenue into the town and it goes without saying that I take more money in the summer than the winter. We ...