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General Discussion

12 Apr 2012 12:13

Another nice addition to the town would be to have a McDonald's restaurant with drive through located near Sainsbury's supermarket.

12 Apr 2012 12:53

that would be good, I always thought that at some point that was going to happen

13 Apr 2012 10:48

Has anything like that been suggested to those working on the future development of Dawlish? It would be interesting to know their and the planners reaction to such a proposal.

(an additional thought - am just wondering how having a Macdonalds and a supermarket on the outskirts of the town would help the town centre flourish?)

Anyone any thoughts on where the Weatherspoons (see separate thread) should be located?

13 Apr 2012 11:15

I don't see what the town flourishing has to do with wanting somewhere nice to get a meal.

McDonald's, KFC, Pizza Hut and the like are all good value.

13 Apr 2012 11:22

Well what I had in my mind was this.

That there has been many a comment on various threads on this website about how Sainsbury's has had a negative impact on the trading of the town centre shops. So, I was just thinking along similar lines in terms of the impact that a Macdonalds or any of the other food outlets that you mention above might have on the town centre eateries.

13 Apr 2012 11:28

I see fair enough. I guess a big chain restaurant would affect the town centre eateries but the food would be far nicer.

Generally takeaway food in Dawlish is awful.

13 Apr 2012 12:12

How McDonald's, KFC, Pizza Hut etc can be used in the same sentence as 'A nice meal' is beyond comprehension.

So then Paul, are you telling us that the above named eating establishments (I refuse to refer to them as restaurants) sell far superior food to the Chinese (Siew May) and the new Nepalese restaurant?

Gays for their Pastys & Pies also takes some beating.

13 Apr 2012 12:30

yougsters in the town drive to N/A or Exeter now to get McDonalds/KFC/Pizza etc so they would stay local, less carbon footprint and local jobs would be created.

13 Apr 2012 12:47

Carer, the eateries you have mentioned do serve nice food but we all know there are some takeaways particularly around the bottom of town that serve absolutely horrible food.

If you don't like McDonald's and the like then don't go but I know many people who do like the food and the convenience.

13 Apr 2012 12:55

I think now is the time for those who would like such establishments to be located in Dawlish/the Warren to make their voices known.

And the reason I think now is the time is that the Dawlish local plan will be up for examination by an independent examiner the week after next and I know from looking at the plan that there is nothing in it indicating that there should be fast food outlets in the Sainsbury's area ( or anywhere else for that matter).

That is not to say that I would wish them in the parish (because I wouldn't) but rather that I'm suggesting to those of you who would like them to be here that you might want to go more public on that wish rather than just posting on this website.

After all the Dawlish local plan is, or at least is supposed to be, a public consultation exercise on the future development of Dawlish.

13 Apr 2012 12:58


When you refer to "the bottom of the town" - which bit do you mean?

13 Apr 2012 14:16

I don't want to mention any particular eateries but the 2 I'm thinking of are not delightful.

13 Apr 2012 19:39

I do not think we need too many of the unhealthy food takaways. Maybe a K.F.C or a McDonalds for the occasional treat but used too frequently only adds to the obesity which we are seeing more of.

14 Apr 2012 08:09

Just thought I post this reminder given that I mentioned in my posting above that the draft Dawlish Plan (which proposes what should be built and where over the next 20 years) will be publicly examined by an independent examiner on Monday 23rd April and Tuesday 24th April at The Strand Church, Dawlish.

If you cannot make those day time hearings there will be an opportunity for individuals to raise matters relevant to the Plan during the evening session on Tuesday 24th April 2012 between 6.00pm and 8.30pm

Taxi Driver
Taxi Driver
14 Apr 2012 18:38

Sainsburys did initially say that they were going to provide a cafe facility either instore or built next to it. I have made enquiries and it seems that the plan has been shelved.

15 Apr 2012 10:18

A drive through is needed. Shops in town can't be replied on to be open.

15 Apr 2012 12:25

And why shouldn't there be a CrapDonalds in Dawlish? And while the city fathers are at it, bring in a Hungry Jacks, a KFC, and perhaps a Subway, so that the once beautiful little town of Dawlish can be totally and irreversibly destroyed. The town today bears no resemblance to the happy place that I spent my early years in, and I'm very saddened to see the degredation of such a magical place. I never want to come back.

15 Apr 2012 13:57


"Nice one Karateka, good to know that loyalty to the Olde Towne is alive and well"

Posted by yourself August 2011

What's changed?

I only moved to Dawlish last year, and for the first time it was a move that was by choice, not dictated by job/family requirements.

I don't get the continual putting down of Dawlish.

As an example, was it really that better 55 years ago?

16 Apr 2012 11:22

@Paul, When you refer to "the bottom of the town" - which bit do you mean? I assume you mean Baileys! Every local knows it is awful but no-one ever says it! Food is awful and the place is filthy!!

16 Apr 2012 12:48

Couldn't agree more monkeyboy - tried it once and would NEVER go back again, the food was so awful we threw most of it away, would rather be hungry.

16 Apr 2012 16:51

My daughter wanted some chips before she got the train to exeter - they were so bad she threw them to the seagulls (i know - shouldnt feed the flying rats) and the seagulls didnt eat them - thats how awful they are - flying rats wont even eat them!!!

16 Apr 2012 20:13

Sorry to disappoint but its not going to be McDonalds or KFC for Dawlish, have spoken to both directly with pretty much the same response, no company development in areas with a catchment of less than 30,000 customers locally.

The only other option is for someone to take on a Burger King or Subway franchise, but this is a very costly exercise and is certainly not bank fundable. This option also is dependent on target sales being available and met, so again unlikely to happen here

17 Apr 2012 20:58

Chat forums are generally anonymous and sometimes people say things without thinking about the implications on small business, on the basis that they won't be tracked down. As the owner of a small take-away business at the "bottom end of town" it's difficult for me not to respond. Monkey boy has named a premises and must be prepared for any liable action that may or may not come his way. The proper way to complain about poor food or service is with the owner of the establishment, not on a public domain which is potentially global. Alternately complaints to environmental health may be a route you would wish to take. But before you make such a compliant, remember that each establishment displays its current food rating on the window of the premises, between one and five stars ( these are also available on the Internet on the food standards agency website). I am 100% confident that our food is of a high standard and further more, good value for money. National chains may have a brand but they often employ young staff who don't care about their own service and hygiene standards, as it's not their business. Any business that doesn't display their food standards rating in the window, has something to hide. Those that do, are proud of what they achieve, mainly through bloody hard work. I agree with Philip, there is a negativity in Dawlish by some townsfolk that beggars belief.

17 Apr 2012 21:06

"there is a negativity in Dawlish by some townsfolk that beggars belief."

Perhaps that's because they've never lived anywhere else so they don't appreciate Dawlish?

Just a thought.

17 Apr 2012 21:10

Freedom of speech is the political right to communicate one's ideas and thoughts! Can't be held liable for any action - just saying what everyone else is thinking! Please vacate your soap box!

18 Apr 2012 01:06

Seriously ? We need a fast food outlet at Sainsburys. Good grief. But I would also argue that eating McD's does not cause obesity, eating it and being an lazy wit does... Siew May is an excellent caterer and I have yet to receive food poisoning from DD. however, I did see an employee of the Indian at the "bottom" of town smoking outside, flick the cigarette then return to his duties Kneading chapatti dough, yes, he didn't wash his hands...

18 Apr 2012 04:14

willosindawlish, the word you're looking for is libel, not liable. And please, stop uttering gibberish.

I too have had the misfortune of sampling the food at Baileys, and my experience was also unpleasant and I wouldn't eat there again. If you plan on suing me, go ahead. I'll be sure to let the Good Food Guide, Jay Rayner and other food critics know that it is now an offence to comment on the quality of food in a restaurant - they'll be quaking in their boots.

What rot.

18 Apr 2012 09:08

Myrtle77 - i thank you!

For once there is more than one person who is willing to open thier mouth and speak out in this town - for too long small take-away business at the "bottom end of town" (and NO willosindawilsh i do not mean TYY before you start with your pathetic verbal diarrhea) have been able to get away with sub standard service. I did complain to the lady who served my daughter - i was clearly wasting my breath - and before you mention it the owner was present and did not respond!

As for the Food Hygiene Rating (not the food rating as you state) - this rating is only as good as the day it was checked! As much use as an MOT on a car! You can "polish your turd" for the test - then let it slip back until the next check! Just because they may display a 5 star - do not assume you are going to get 5 star! Also complaints to the environmental health are very rarely acted upon due to the ammount of malicious complaints from other restaurants/takeaways - unless someone is hospitalised then it is very rare for environmental health to get involved!

I recently saw the National Fish and Chip Award toured the UK sampling from every Chip shop in the UK - for some strange reason i cant seem to find any mention of any of the takeaways in Dawlish listed in the 12,000 fish & chip shops to choose from in the UK. I am sure the author Simon Majumdar is "quaking in his boots" at the prospect of any libel action for not giving every takeaway a positive write up!

18 Apr 2012 13:34

Willowsindawlish "there is a negativity in Dawlish by some townsfolk that beggars belief"

You are so right. I'm amazed sometimes at how negative SOME people are in Dawlish, especially the ones who vent themselves on this forum. It' seems to be the repository for negativity.

I'd just like the wider world to know:

1) The vast majority of people who live in Dawlish are positive and love their town. That's why they live here (and that's why I live here).

2) Dawlish is a fantastic little town, well worthy of visiting, with many good places to eat and drink.

18 Apr 2012 15:21

I am assuming that may be aimed at myself?

How is my comment being negative about Dawlish itself?

I indeed love living in Dawlish and have for many years and agree that Dawlish is a fantastic little town - but with that comes little town mentality that some people who live here suffer from (no names as im quaking in my boots from willosindawlish ridiculous yet comical threat of legal action!!)

Small town people have small-town mentality. Their view of the world is limited to the space they live and exist in. They simply cannot see past the end of thier noses! When they refer to big cities, they usually speak of them with dismay. When they then have to go to those big cities, their small town bravado is put on hold and often replaced by fear. I have met many tough small-town men that step into a city and loose their balls at entering city limits, but they fight every second week in one of the two bars in their own little town. It is a situation I think of predictability. Cities are unpredictable, and so are the street-wise city dwellers. Small town have life-systems that you can set your watch by. I think the people who live there are predictable, and they know everyone in town, so their knowledge of their existence is vast....until they step into the city, then they feel and are unequipped in comparison.

22 Apr 2012 16:33

Let's clear this up. I have never threatened legal action against you or anyone else. What I did do was to remind anyone that anonymous chat rooms are not the hiding place that you think they might be and someone could take comments to a further level if they wished.

22 Apr 2012 17:45


"I'm amazed sometimes at how negative SOME people are in Dawlish, especially the ones who vent themselves on this forum. It' seems to be the repository for negativity."

Does that mean that we have to accept sub standard food, poor service, etc etc, and are not allowed to complain and just get on with it?

Why is it being negative if you dont like something? are we not allowed to speak out about it? By reading your comment, it seems that way, and by speaking out about it, then maybe the establishments will pull their fingers out and do something about it and provide a better service for ALL .

28 Apr 2012 00:11

I took my son to the dentist on shutterton over the Easter holidays. I'd never noticed the food van before so whilst we were there we had some food from the catering trailer on the estate there. Nice clean van and lovely food - I have to say, the best I have had from any burger van and a good choice of healthy or non healthy options. Why do we need a McDonald's, KFC or other big money maker when there are already excellent food outlets at hand.

User 4549
User 4549
28 Apr 2012 09:08


I have tried the food there and as you say it is excellent, fresh and full of flavour.

User 4549
User 4549
28 Apr 2012 09:10

Further to my previous post, perhaps they could approach Sainsbury to see if they could set up a small outlet within the store.

29 Apr 2012 07:53
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