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General Discussion

Telephone Scam

Don Pearson
Don Pearson
18 Nov 2010 03:27

Please be aware that there is a telephone scam where the caller will tell you that your machine is infected with viruses/malware. They may suggest that they are Microsoft or working with Microsoft. As usual, such people can be very convincing. Key Features - They will want: Remote access to your computer Payment for something or other by Paypal or using your credit card details. I have received two such calls and know of others, one of whom paid them some money.

Taxi Driver
Taxi Driver
18 Nov 2010 16:20

I had a call the other day, the same as this one. He sounded quite convincing, also said he was working on behalf of Microsoft. I listened for a couple of minutes as he described the process, then I asked him who my ISP was. That floored him, he couldn't tell me. Obviously a scam. The best thing to do is to say you are not interested and hang up. Do not on any account give any details, passwords, bank details or anything else. Do not follow any of their instructions. If you are in doubt hang up and shut your computer down. Then go and a have a cuppa.

21 Nov 2010 14:38

The main question ANYONE should ask THEMSELVES, is WHY should microsoft be calling me instead of doing a schedualed update, AND, how come microsoft know my number? Come on people, its not rocket science. Where is your common sense? Next you will be telling me that my aunt in Nigeria who emailed me the other week and I never even heard of her, asked me for money and Im sending her half my wages each week, you will be telling me that it is a scam.

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