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General Discussion

CAB in Dawlish
15 Mar 2012

Used to work in CAB. The training is very intensive for a voluntary service & the workers are dedicated & caring. Always thought it was a shame when they closed in Dawlish. Good luck to Anne & Andy with the outreach service.

15 Mar 2012

Oh dear. Doesn't bode well for next week when they start re-surfacing Badlake Hill, Weech Road, Lwr. Meadow Rise, Meadow Rise & Meadow Park. Next stop gridlock!

Not so much negativity, people. Get down to the Lawn tomorrow at 11.30 am & show 'em what Dawlishians are made of!

Mamhead House
15 Mar 2012

Haven't quite got to grips with all this banking terminology but it seems that the investments in the housing market rated by Goldman Sachs as Triple A turned out to be what brought the whole edifice of the banking system crashing down with the results that we now see all around us. Seems that the director who quit is only telling us what we had already worked out for ourselves!

Petrol prices
14 Mar 2012

Trago has the cheapest prices but only worth going there if you're in that area anyway. Pointless to drive miles to get cheaper petrol!

Mamhead House
14 Mar 2012

So, apparently, does Goldman Sachs.

13 Mar 2012

I know not who the present owners are, and if they have nothing to do with Vodafone then I sincerely apologise for blackening their name(s) in such an awful manner. I only meant to pass comment on the iniquitous tax arrangements that have been cooked up with HMRC. Does this mean that we cannot trust information that is posted on this website?

12 Mar 2012

Given that Vodafone owes the taxpayer billions in unpaid tax (thanks Lynne for reminding us), perhaps Mamhead House should be confiscated and taken into public ownership as part payment of the tax bill. However, I wouldn't be at all surprised if he's got round it in some way, like having it registered in his wife's name or to some off-shore company; doing a Philip Green in other words.

Don You're right that local festivities ofter concern events of a royal nature, but can you suggest anything else that would prompt people to take to the streets in celebration - the end of war comes to mind but nothing else seems to unite people in this way.

In summer, if the weather's nice, there's nowhere better than Dawlish Warren beach for keeping the kids amused all day - you don't need to run the gauntlet of airports, queues, etc. But only, of course, if you get fine weather - nothing worse than huddling together on a freezing cold beach. Also, of course, you need to take your own food as the takeaway food is rubbish and the service is dead ...

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