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Quackers' Posts

The swans are there. Like I said, it's cold. Plus I think you'll find that there are eggs being incubated at the moment by the swans.

20 Mar 2008

It is a bit cold at the moment! Perhaps they've decided to stay indoors as it were. (and would you blame them?)

And where are us waterfowl supposed to live? Is there any room in the garden in Luscombe Terrace?

6 Feb 2008

Probably the noise of the chainsaws scared the ducks away. At least they will get some peace and quiet in someones back garden

6 Feb 2008

The ducks have all moved to a pond in a back garden in Luscombe Terrace....Problem solved!

So you're the person responsible for the decline in the duck population

5 Feb 2008

Kebabs are either chikin or lamb, definitely not duck. Ifthe kebab meat was duck it would keep sliding off the spit with the amount of grease it contains

5 Feb 2008

The ducks are probably on the menu at Siew May, so if you want to save the ducks stop ordering crispy fried