Who is going to believe this? What ever happened to the "New Millennium Band Stand" and the money raised for it?
Idle talk, that's what that was.
When councillors have worked out how they can get their snout in the money trough, you will get it, but not before.
I've heard that the council are turning the bandstand into a b&b for any eastern europeans that are unfortunate enough not to have arranged cheap digs for themselves when they get off the boat at Dover!
Eastern Europeans get a direct flight to Exeter I heard the beach huts are going to be compulsory purchased and turned into accomodation for them
Given the lack of bands, demolition might be more apt. Still it does give people something to wee against in the never-ending journey from one side of the lawn to another.
Problem is traversing the Lawn laterally from one pub to another.
The number of people i've seen wizzing in the Brook and shatting on the bowling green.....
Yes there may be toilets at both ends of the lawn, but they shut at a certain time so u are unable to use them. However, i know this is not an excuse.