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General Discussion

Manor House & Gardens for supermarket site?

Not off my trolley
Not off my trolley
20 Feb 2008 11:44

Well why not? Think about it.

1. Town Council need new premises I believe so they want to move out anyway.

2. The Manor House though lovely is costly to maintain.

3. Town Council to move to Old Post Office building?

4. Museum to move to Old Post Office building?

5.Or....from proceeds of sale of Manor House and gardens the area of Old Post Office/Shaftesbury Theatre could be redeveloped with purpose built complex for theatre/museum/cinema/council.There might even be space for the library to relocate?

6. Then that whole area could be redeveloped as supermarket and car park.

4. Central location for supermarket and it would have the added bonus of drawing customers up through the town to it.


Bag Lady
Bag Lady
20 Feb 2008 16:02

Hey not-off-your-Trolley-Dude, this sounds good - but no car-parking....! Oh, hey, that doesn't matter though - because everyone was saying they WANT to walk to the supermarket, didn't they! Even the supermarkets were saying that we'll all walk there!
That'll be alright then.

20 Feb 2008 16:37

Great idea in theory, but what about the congestion the delivery lorries would make.

20 Feb 2008 16:52

And where are us waterfowl supposed to live? Is there any room in the garden in Luscombe Terrace?

Ling Tong
Ling Tong
20 Feb 2008 16:53

Ducks are most relcome in my lestaulant

M Ammon
M Ammon
21 Feb 2008 08:25

Wot! Lose that lovely green space in the old end of town to a supermarket?! Whatever next!
I was up there the other day. It was beautiful. A soft landscape in an otherwise built up urban area. Lots of grass, a babbling stream, ducks and swans, the more elderly sitting on the benches enjoying the winter sunshine, the children playing. This is Dawlish's hidden gem. And it should be sacrificed to a supermarket and carpark? Has the world gone mad?

On the other hand though, sequential planning 'n all that. ...and it is centrally located.......and money talks......and we are all supposed to 'need' a supermarket.....that we can all walk to because we need to cut back on car use because of carbon emissions and global warming .....(though how we are supposed to carry home a supermarket shop I don't know)....and just think of all those extra people it would draw to the town(in their cars!).

21 Feb 2008 12:50

It's an idea but it won't happen. The Manor House is a listed building to start with.

Guba guba
Guba guba
21 Feb 2008 12:51

why does the council need new premises.Another way of wasting council tax? For all the good they do they may as well have their meetings in a pub, Oh forgot meetings are "not open the public"

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