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General Discussion


20 Mar 2008 15:01

Love Dawlish been comming every Easter for a number of years. Can anyone tell me why there isnt so many ducks or swans

20 Mar 2008 19:12

Not sure about the ducks but there are four growing cygnets in the enclosure. (If you look at the photos on this website you will see them.)The swan is sitting on five eggs at the moment which are due to hatch about 25th March.

20 Mar 2008 19:43

It is a bit cold at the moment! Perhaps they've decided to stay indoors as it were. (and would you blame them?)

20 Mar 2008 20:05

A couple of years ago there was about 8 swans have they sold them,and the lawn and manor used to be full of ducks maybe they culled them

20 Mar 2008 21:27

The swans are there. Like I said, it's cold. Plus I think you'll find that there are eggs being incubated at the moment by the swans.

bob sinkerson
bob sinkerson
21 Mar 2008 15:30

the duck population may be a little lower at the moment, but there are plenty of good farm shops not too far away, if like me you are partial to the odd duck on ones plate. particularly pleasant with the spring greens which can also be found in abundance. i think you would be far better buying these ones, as the ones from the stream peck on all sorts of rubbish.

21 Mar 2008 15:56

Nothing tastes better than wild duck and you know its free range

Black Swan
Black Swan
21 Mar 2008 18:07

There was enough room for US and the ducks one of us had to go we are bigger and stronger there was no contest

White Swan
White Swan
21 Mar 2008 21:28

Black swan beware we the above are looking for pastures green have been informed you lot are very tasty. We are owned by the queen and above reproach

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