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1263's Posts

andysport et al - another example why inbreeding should be banned.

18 Sep 2015

note to oursoul  - runners/bikers   condecending/condescending get my drift.

yes, that will worry the allblacks and aussies

davemcmorrow- yes your correct it was cyclists, i put in runners the gist of the issue being the times that the road was closed. note to oursoul - nobody likes a condecending smarta*s* ,

15 Sep 2015

leatash- yes,  that would have gone down well with the bus passengers ...... just hold on a couple of hours on  a bus with no toilet facilities, crying children  or trying to get to work...!!!!!!!  the bus company driver ( who had no knowledge of this event ) had to phone head office to contact police due to the backlog from irate bus passengers and mortorists, you cannotbe serious in comparing ...

14 Sep 2015

"problems at strarcross...!!!" -if my memory serves me correctly the police had to be called as the "stewards" refused to let any traffic pass, the queue was way past powderham caslle with buses who included irate passengers who were travelling,to work, people needing he toilet, etc. The road organistionwas   uttrer shambles asthe steard took the view tha this event was more important than orinary ...

The world according to teignbridge council conservatives.!!!! Did anyone notice the rant in the gazette from the Tory councillor behind the introduction of the garden waste ta.x..???? 1 - use the letters page as a party political forum to slag of the lib-dems- never mind the non-aligned voters wHo just see this a a tax no matter what party tries to implement it. 2- people voted for the ...

Syrian refugees
8 Sep 2015

slargemail............... well done ...keep throwing out your comments to get people to bite.........the fact that your arguements are rubbish is just a front to keep the debate open. So when you ask for more clarity I won' be responding as you seek the oxygen of publicity.

7 Sep 2015

Just a thought but why are the muslim countries like Saudi, Jordan etc not taking in these "refugees" ? s it because their is no benefit system over there.? As ever this  weak  goverrment is throwing  money at the sympton but not the root cause. If we could set up a military safe zone like we did in the Balkans why can we not do th same  in Syria

DWP admits fabricating stories from benefit claiments who said they were "pleased" after being sanctioned ........................... Another screw up from the former failed prime minister, .....pension scandel,  system cost overruns, what does this guy have to do to get sacked.????