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A resident who won’t be voting LibDem

21 Apr 2023 17:30

I'll be voting for Independent Voices for Dawlish because the Lib Dems are dishonest, lying, narcissistic scumbags who have overseen a corrupt Teignbridge District Council as the majority party, which has systemic failings, breached an opposition Cllrs human rights, defended Dawlish Cllr Gary Taylor assaulting an opposition Cllr from SDA who was raising concerns that he had defrauded the public as Portfolio Holder for Planning - So don't believe the Lib Dem bullshit about preventing over-development. They're dodgy - don't trust them. If you live in SW Dawlish then vote for Pete Costello from the South Devon Alliance too, they're campaigning to stop the corruption. The Lib Dems are more of a cult than a party, they all vote along party lines and its dominated in Dawlish and Teignbridge by cult leader Martin Wrigley who isn't the community champion he likes to portray himself as. And I know what I'm talking about my elderly Mother has the misfortune of having him as a neighbour and I'm sick of reading he's 'caring', 'compassionate', green, etc It's all bullshit - it's a small community so many of us know the true colours of those who claim to represent us and can see through the spin and lies they write in their election leaflets on social media or that they have the audacity to regurgitate in person. The Lib Dems are illiberal and anti-democratic, anti-social and arrogant, prone to dirty tricks and even violence, they are liars who use Trump style propaganda and misinformation. They are morally bankrupt. Community starts with the whole 'love thy neighbour' thing, the Lib Dem candidates are conflicted, dysfunctional ego-obsessed individuals. Being a Cllr is about status and power for them. And why the hell is Lib Dem  Gary Taylor allowed to stand again? He should've been charged with assault, it's all on You Tube. That alone shows this party and District Council that they run is broken. They have appeared three times in the Private Eye's Rotten Borough section, that's disgraceful. The Lib Dem administration is among the worst in the entire UK. I have challenged  Independent Voices fot Dawlish, I might not agree with them 100% on their approach, views and in relation to whether they could've done more to expose Lib Dem skullduggery and politics as Cllrs in TDC for the past 4 years, or in this election campaign. However  I am convinced they're decent people who genuinely care about Dawish and the villages around here. The Lib Dems are the opposite, being underhand, employing dirty tricks and blatant lies, charm and sickening smarm, telling you what they think you want to hear just to get elected. Don't fall for it. Don't vote Lib Dem on May 4th.

22 Apr 2023 13:27



23 Apr 2023 11:50

I must be getting old - I'm getting confused.

Are those standing as Independent Voices for Dawlish candidates  standing as true individual Independents or as Independents who collectively form a de facto political group known as Voices for Dawlish?     

3 Agrees
24 Apr 2023 06:13

And answer came there none.

Which is surprising given as I know for a fact that at least two people standing for election under the VfD heading not only read the posts on this site but also have been known to post on it as well. One under their true identity the other using a nom de plume.

2 Agrees
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