I have some size 9 wellies.
Every Thursday, Friday Saturday nights the residents in the town centre have to put up with adults and kids causing mayhem untill 2 or 3 am and i for one am sick to the teeth with it. So maybe the Town Centre Manager would like to swop houses for the next 4 or 5 weeks so i can get some sleep.
Should she not have joined the cycle path at Tucks Plot cyclists are not using that section because they cant cycle its not cycle friendly.
I wonder if the natural gas carrier was on it's way to Millford Haven to unload or on its way to the Middle East to fill up. It looks fairly high in the water so it could be empty.
Would love to see zero tolerance with those who dont clean up after their dogs they have brought it on themselves. I cant wait.
Love the 1975/1976 VW camper very rare must be worth a bob or two.
The country that can exert the most pressure is China and they should be taking the lead in talking to North Korea.
Lynne it made me smile when i saw that.
Nothing its £12 of a £60 shop in store or online direct from Sainsburys and necter i presume you have never recieved any. But as nothing is free in this life there will be a hidden cost of course there is but i today bought goods to the value of £60.02 and paid £48.02 a saving of £12.