@leatash ...well put, but time will tell. Although I will keep an eye on the number of under 50 year olds who get infected outside of China. I think it is going to be a little higher than the odds you suggest.
Am I on an alternate Earth where the reverse on logic and common sense prevails and only evil and greed are rewarded? The NHS has been eroded for decades whilst the management continues to grow like the fungus on moldy meat. Its about time this countries numerous festering swamps were drained and the country was run for the people not the establishment.
The Governing Body of NHS Devon Clinical Commissioning Group on Thursday afternoon unanimously approved the launch of an eight-week public consultation process over relocation of community, specialist outpatient clinics and day case procedures into a new health and wellbeing centre in Teignmouth or at Dawlish Hospital. Read more... ...
But I would like to take your time on this fine Monday to bring to your attention, exactly what this virus represents in Numbers! After All, Numbers don’t lie. So, here it goes: 80,000 People are Sick with Coronavirus at the Moment of which 77,000 are in China. This means that if you are not from China than this should remove 96% of your worry. If you contract ...
Is there anything more they can do stop all travel, cancel all sporting events, close all campsites, close the motorway network, no trains busses or planes, close all schools, and confine everyone to there own homes, can you imagine the comments on here if that happened.
Their jobs ffs
So what would you like them to do.
Well done to our incompetent government.
And we all know which people get the most out of these positions of power, DONT WE?
What does power mean, and who holds the most of it in Devon? When it comes to decisions over public services or how our cities and countryside will look in the future, then power remains in the hands of the traditional political institutions and big businesses, and their leaders. A former corporate lawyer, Morris was first elected in 2010 and in that time has set up two all party ...