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oblivious' Posts

Jambuster and Rainbow are the most blinkered posters of all! How very hypocritical (and typical) to accuse others of the very thing that they are most guilty of.

Transexual Mayors.
25 May 2007

I think so, can't say I have delved deep enough to say for sure though!!!

25 May 2007

When I saw the thread title I though it was another dig at the Dawlish mayor!!!!!! (btw - the new mayor is all woman apparently)

Jambuster - how on earth can you be indoctrinated at a Town council meeting? They're not the Moonies for goodness sake, moast of them are just a bunch of retired people with good (maybe sometimes misguided) intentions trying to do their best for the town they live in! Or perhaps they are all the spawn of Satan, should we look for 666 under their foundation garments!!! Get a grip.

26 Apr 2007

Jambuster - how on earth can you be indoctrinated at a Town council meeting? They're not the Moonies for goodness sake, moast of them are just a bunch of retired people with good (maybe sometimes misguided) intentions trying to do their best for the town they live in! Or perhaps they are all the spawn of Satan, should we look for 666 under their foundation garments!!! Get a grip.

25 Apr 2007

So Jambuster and Rainbow. Who is who? Which one published the offensive leaflet that was distributed? Or am I wrong? You both seem to have a real bee in your bonnet about the Town Council so why haven't either of you stood for election? Perhaps you aren't quite so well supported as you think.

Dawlish Mayor
25 Apr 2007

So what's wrong with the deputy Mayor then? It's all very well making these comments about the 'mayor in waiting' but surely you should qualify them.

25 Apr 2007

The Town Council is governed by law and acts of parliament. The agendas are set before the meetings and comment from the general public is at a designated time and that time only. If any member of the public wishes to get an item on the agenda it has to be sent to the Town Clerk in advance, however the meetings cannot be a free for all despite the attempts certain Dawlish Residents to introduce ...