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General Discussion

Up and Down the City Road

17 May 2007 19:01

Just a reminder that time is running out for browsers worried about the way Dawlish Town Council spent tax payers' money in 2006/7, especially on CCTV. They should write to the district Auditor within the next five or six weeks, asking him to investigate why the cost of the project rose from an initial estimate of £26,500 to a final price in excess of £80,000. Not to mention the annual running costs, of course. Electors should write to:
Alun Williams,
District Auditor,
The Audit Commission,
2nd Floor, Midland House,
Notte House,

Before doing so, they might care to see what the Audit commision itself had to say about the way councillors went about the Camera project. The commission's report is available on the council's website or at the Manor.
Earnest Whinniy

Moral High Ground
Moral High Ground
17 May 2007 19:36


Your boring!

17 May 2007 22:36

Boring it maybe but truthful it is, if you attended council meetings you would realise that.

24 May 2007 12:31

I'm with Moral High Ground here, any chance you could start a new forum for yourselves? Between you and Jambuster, you're really becoming tiresome to the degree that when I see your names in a discussion about anything, I know straight away that the Mayor and Town Council will be mentioned and criticised.. it's worse than pulling toe nails out in a bath of lemon juice..

24 May 2007 20:18

worse than pulling toe nails out in a bath of lemon juice..

Thats just as bad as trying to get truth out of the Town Council, maybe you are a Councillor or relative, never mind you carry on with your blinkered life.

25 May 2007 14:57

I'm sorry, my blinkers stretch outside the Dawlish boundry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

25 May 2007 18:49

Jambuster and Rainbow are the most blinkered posters of all! How very hypocritical (and typical) to accuse others of the very thing that they are most guilty of.

Ben Hur
Ben Hur
26 May 2007 05:59

That comment needs a degree of explanation, don't you think?

27 May 2007 22:37

Hey Rainbow seems like we are painted with same brush, pity he/she don't understand the truth, or maybe he/she does and is part of the system?

David Icke
David Icke
28 May 2007 21:49

Dont mess with the system, else the shape shifting Illuminati Lizzards will get you!

29 May 2007 08:14

He is not part of "the system".. you make it sound like we're all in a thriller flick and "they're" all out to get us?!?!

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