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General Discussion

Dawlish Mayor

22 Apr 2007 10:09

Do we need a Mayor of Dawlish?

22 Apr 2007 12:05

Interesting question Rainbow. What alternative do you propose? Dismissing the Mayor or Mayoress may not be the whole answer. Perhaps the future for Dawlish and such similar towns would be to take party politics out of local elections?

22 Apr 2007 13:14

I don't wish to propose an alternative if that is what you are implying. I asked do we need one and I will qualify it further if you like, what is the purpose apart from bolstering someones self estemm, if they have it.

22 Apr 2007 14:24

I do agree with you. What purpose does the 'mayor' serve in Dawlish??? apart from giving there already inflated ego a boost.

22 Apr 2007 20:26

I do understand Rainbow, just wanted to know if you had an alternative in mind. As to their purpose, well I suppose they're cheaper for opening the fete or judging the 'pretty baby' competition than a B rated celebrity. On balance though, I'd pay pay for the celeb. Turning this around Rainbow, what would you do if you were Mayor? - apart from abolishing the post that is!

22 Apr 2007 21:31

I would never entertain it. Who would wish to stoop so low apart from those that have already taken up the post? You only need to look at the mayor in waiting to realize that.

25 Apr 2007 13:35

So what's wrong with the deputy Mayor then?

It's all very well making these comments about the 'mayor in waiting' but surely you should qualify them.

Ben Hur
Ben Hur
26 Apr 2007 10:29

I thought Rainbow did qualify it by, "what is the purpose apart from bolstering someones self esteem, if they have it".
Rainbow started this thread and asked a simple question, is it difficult to answer?

03 May 2007 08:53

So the new dawlish town mayor, someone by the name of Prowse. Wishes to put something back into the community. I wonder what she has taken out?

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