It's only outrageous if it's not an honest belief. From your comment Ben Hur, it's possible you're a member of the Town Council. If so, you know what part of your mandate should be if re-elected - change peoples' perception.
How can you say they lie when they refuse to answer questions and do not allow the general public to address them and Town Council meetings even though it is in the Agenda.
The Town Council is governed by law and acts of parliament. The agendas are set before the meetings and comment from the general public is at a designated time and that time only.
If any member of the public wishes to get an item on the agenda it has to be sent to the Town Clerk in advance, however the meetings cannot be a free for all despite the attempts certain Dawlish Residents to introduce anarchy into the procedings.
oblivious, the following comment by you is correct "general public is at a designated time and that time only". But they change it when the meeting starts, (its usually number 2 on the agenda) to the end of the meeting, then at the end chairman stands and officially closes the meeting without allowing members of the public the usual 3 minutes. Try it for yourself