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bob sinkerson

bob sinkerson's Posts

As I went for my daily early morning walk along the front this morning (Dawlish to the Warren and back everyday for the last lord knows how many years), I suddenly realised it will soon be time to fly the flags and sound the hooters. Yes, the lunatic asylum, or its other name "the rest of the world" is ready to unload its outpatients. Or by their other name "Tourists". Yes April is approaching and ...

Meeting Teenagers
24 Mar 2008

the dawlish bandstand seems to attract alot of people of your age late in the evening. may be worth a browse under the cover of darkness

21 Mar 2008

could the evidence be used in a court of law one wonders. i wonder if the council would dare install a live web cam focusing on the dawlish bandstand? it would pick up some very unsavoury behaviour of a late evening.

21 Mar 2008

the duck population may be a little lower at the moment, but there are plenty of good farm shops not too far away, if like me you are partial to the odd duck on ones plate. particularly pleasant with the spring greens which can also be found in abundance. i think you would be far better buying these ones, as the ones from the stream peck on all sorts of rubbish.

21 Mar 2008

having just looked at the exmouth webcam, i am in agreement with an earlier posting. it is all very nice for people, being able to take in the lovely views across the sea, but when the camera keeps zooming in on people walking along, then this i believe really is an infringement of ones privacy. i wonder if someone is caught scratching their privates or picking their proverbials, that they may ...

good show old chap. 33/1

skate park
14 Mar 2008

these are the kind of degenerate remarks i have come to expect from some of the idiots who ruin this forum by posting on it. I merely express the thoughts of myself and the many people i socialise with on a daily basis. Many years ago there was an asylum in the starcross area. I think some of the occupants were rehoused here. I find it dismaying that no one has replied to my very intellectual ...

12 Mar 2008

you contradict yourself olive. if there are too many against these things being done, then surely it is you and your cronies that are obviously in the minority and should consider your position as a dawlish resident. i am fed up of paying extortionate taxes to provide for these rediculous projects. in my day we were quite happy to put a couple of jumpers down for a goal post and play football in ...

12 Mar 2008

this whole thing is typical of this idiotic council we have in place here. i have yet to speak to anyone living in this direct area that wants the damn thing built in the first place. only the wet lefties that reside away from here are for it (probably so they can get their children out of their hair and into ours). if they want this kind of thing please relocate to teignmouth or exmouth.

a couple of my bridge partners own horses, one of which is running this week. i have been given a couple of very good things running, but must wait for the weather to settle first. are you intending to go to cheltenham sir?