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General Discussion


Moat Goat
Moat Goat
16 Mar 2008 15:12

Exmouth's seafront webcam is the best of it's kind in my opinion! Could Dawlish get something of similar quality too? The current one isn't exactly breathtaking.

16 Mar 2008 22:31

Why more cameras

Moat Goat
Moat Goat
17 Mar 2008 07:29

It's nice to see the Dawlish coast when maybe you are away from home or if you live further away and cannot visit. What do you think of Exmouths webcam?

17 Mar 2008 11:24

The cameras are an invasion of our privacy. We need less not more

Camera shy
Camera shy
17 Mar 2008 11:31

Do these webcams take pictures without you knowing if so surely its wrong. I cant take pictures of my grandchildren in their school plays etc because of paedophiles well they would only need find a webcam filming a beach

17 Mar 2008 11:33

A web cam over looking the sea would be nice.

17 Mar 2008 22:57

There is one on top of the Mount Pleasant Pub that looks out over the bay
But like our CCTV it is not infra red and can only see the twinkling light across that bay at nite, ok during the day and also like our CCTV does not pan automatically. so much for £80.000+ of our money spent by the previous Town Council.

Camera shy
Camera shy
17 Mar 2008 23:28

When did the town council chsnge

Moat Goat
Moat Goat
18 Mar 2008 07:22

21 Mar 2008 09:14

Spam sandwich anyone?

bob sinkerson
bob sinkerson
21 Mar 2008 15:22

having just looked at the exmouth webcam, i am in agreement with an earlier posting. it is all very nice for people, being able to take in the lovely views across the sea, but when the camera keeps zooming in on people walking along, then this i believe really is an infringement of ones privacy. i wonder if someone is caught scratching their privates or picking their proverbials, that they may unwittingly appear on one of tv's candid camera type shows?

Camera shy
Camera shy
21 Mar 2008 15:58

What about someone having an affair passing the camera and their spouse happens to log in at the same time, or a girl out with forbidden boyfriend etc

bob sinkerson
bob sinkerson
21 Mar 2008 20:19

could the evidence be used in a court of law one wonders. i wonder if the council would dare install a live web cam focusing on the dawlish bandstand? it would pick up some very unsavoury behaviour of a late evening.

Camera shy
Camera shy
21 Mar 2008 21:25

Why the bandstand thats just kids having fun, the beach is where those the age of consent go to have bit of extra marital fun especialy boat cove where the benches are

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