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bob sinkerson

bob sinkerson's Posts

A little harsh there viaduct. I must admit I am guilty of sitting out on the terrace of a summers evening enjoying splendid views across the coast and quaffing a bottle from the cellar. A joy to behold. Also it seems that during my break away from Dawlish the forum seems to have descended into a carry on farce! Regards Bob

Sinkerson Says
22 Jul 2008

A big thank you to those that attended my reading on the lawn on Sunday. It was a lovely little gathering and I must admit I thoroughly enjoyed our get together. Maybe next year I will delve a little deeper in the cellar and fetch out one or two more bottles! Well it really is time to batten down ones hatches now as we are about to hit peak season (i wonder if they realise the beach is not as it ...

anyone remember?
15 Jul 2008

It beggars belief. A sensible question has been asked by Jim Oram and all replies have subsided into the mindless jibber jabber that blights this sight. I often wonder how many of the replies and threads on here actually originate from Dawlish as alot carry such irrelevance. So Mr Oram, thank goodness Mr Sinkerson has come to the rescue with a reply. It is a very sad story I bring you, I'm ...

They were all for my quick perusal onto the internet, as they also have large holdings on the stock market. Although, one of their "sleeping giants" is still waiting to wake up. A mining company by the name of Angus and Ross which they have talked me into chalking up a rather unhealthy financial outlay on. But I suppose at only 5 pence a share it's worth the risk. If they are right and it takes ...

8 Jul 2008

Actually gentlemen, if timing is critical to you, the events as I recall happened like this: consumed meal and wine, went to shop and got soaked, returned and changed, sat down and had cheese board and fine port, checked how the dow jones had performed on my computer, wrote a short piece on here, returned to guests with a bottle of cognac and three glasses. The rest im afraid became a blur! I hope ...

1 Jul 2008

I have guests staying for a few days (regular visitors from the spires of Oxford). After cooking them a feast consisting of Red Mullet with sauteed potatoes and Anchovy dressing, followed by Saddle of Lamb with apricot and cumin stuffing, and finished off with a Rhubarb creme brulee, despite the fact we had between us quaffed a couple of bottles of my finest sauvignon blanc, it was suggested a ...

Sinkerson Says
11 Jun 2008

I don't think I will be following that one up Mr Wardle. My poem was a little tongue in cheek and I think a few people felt I was blowing my own trumpet a little vigorously so to speak. I thought it wasn't bad for something I knocked up during the course of completing a superb rioja!

Sorry to have missed you Foxy! I have been out exceptionally early lately and have missed a couple of days as I have had a couple of friends staying over from oxford and they insisted on playing golf everyday. And of course after a few liquid refreshments at the 19th, we were quite happy to retire to the comfort of my conservatory overlooking the sea and talking over old times and a little gentle ...

I am afraid that this is yet another example of this governments intent on destroying our once great country. It has placed greedy buffoons in charge of the whole royal mail/post office network and we are all left with the consequences. There is not one jot that Royal Mail or Postcomm for that matter has done to benefit the customer. It says that it had a duty to open up the Royal Mail to ...

Where's the sand?!
26 May 2008

I remember the days when i would wander under the railway bridge at the warren, and all you would see was a mass of rabbits heads popping their heads up and scuttling off down their holes. As a place of beauty and tranquility the warren couldn't be touched by many other coastal parts. Unfortunately it has been touched by incompetent and greedy planners who have seen fit to allow tacky buildings to ...