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anyone remember?

James Oram
James Oram
11 Jul 2008 21:09

does anyone remember the bed and breakfast establishment in Dawlish Warren called Oaklands. It no longer appears to be a B&B. Anyone have any information about what happened?

Mrs Bouquet
Mrs Bouquet
14 Jul 2008 21:55

Do you really expect an answer to a normal question?

All you get on here is Viaduct,Roy, Anon, Doreen, Olive and any other names that the moron choses to post under wittering on about the Town Councillors. People are put into institutions for lesser things.

I would like to know why the Bingo callers at the Amusement Arcade in Dawlish call the numbers out so quickly. I went there a number of times last week whilst on holiday and I have to say I loved the young man that kept getting the numbers and colours wrong, far more fun than this boring chit chat about Councillors.

Anyway in answer to your question, sorry I don't know what happened to the B&B.

an empty vase
an empty vase
14 Jul 2008 22:00

Well Mrs Bouquet - you choose to read the postings..... 'nuff said

Mrs Bouquet
Mrs Bouquet
14 Jul 2008 22:06

What do you think of the Bingo caller "An empty vase"?

5 and 9...the Dawlish Line.

15 Jul 2008 08:04

No gender intended here, but this is addressed specifically to Mrs Bucket.
If you are not a thinking man, to what purpose are you a man at all?

Joey Deacon
Joey Deacon
15 Jul 2008 09:10

Ah-ha - the classic high-speed bingo callers at Harrisons!

Eyes down. Looking in.

On the blue, 4 and 1, 31.

8, 0, as far as we go. Blind 80.

Mrs Bucket - have you ever exchanged your tokens for any of the prizes there? You can get a tin of soup for just one token! What a result...

bob sinkerson
bob sinkerson
15 Jul 2008 19:24

It beggars belief. A sensible question has been asked by Jim Oram and all replies have subsided into the mindless jibber jabber that blights this sight. I often wonder how many of the replies and threads on here actually originate from Dawlish as alot carry such irrelevance.
So Mr Oram, thank goodness Mr Sinkerson has come to the rescue with a reply.
It is a very sad story I bring you, I'm afraid. The B&B you refer to was for many a year owned and run by Nora and Rod Gray. In its heyday, Oaklands was packed to the rafters. Nora in particular was, as I'm sure you will remember, quite a Devonshire character. She had her quirks, but I for one always had alot of time for her and always recommended people to her. Unfortunately, a few years ago (about five I think), after a short but devastating illness she succumbed to the dreaded Cancer and passed on. As this was Nora's baby, Rod had no real interest in continuing with the B&B, and after a period of reflection, he sold up and moved to new pastures. The house now is just a private dwelling. Nora always looked after her customers well (or as she described them) "her regulars" and took great pride in her garden. This is probably sounding like an obituary, and I'm just glad that somebody has taken the time to enquire of Oaklands story. RIP Nora, very sadly missed.
Please note, that if anyone is contemplating replying with a silly comment, take a few moments, have a drink, and think better of it. This thread isn't deserving of it.

dont care
dont care
16 Jul 2008 03:11

Well said Bob

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