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General Discussion

Where's the sand?!

25 May 2008 19:04

What's happening to the sand at Dawlish Warren? Is it true it's all settling on the Exmouth side of the river? No more holidays on the Warren in the future.

25 May 2008 21:38

Tell that to the Mayor.

D Warren
D Warren
26 May 2008 06:54

Well, actually, the Warren could still remain a holiday destination but it would have to appeal to a different kind of holiday maker. If there is no sand then you can't appeal to the bucket and spade, cheap and cheerful, familiy holiday makers can you?

If the Warren isn't careful it will be 'done' under the Trades Description Act.

It can go one of two ways: if no holiday makers because no sand it could become even more of an eyesore than it already is and even more run down and tacky OR it could be turned around and marketed in a different way to a different market.

And of the two which do you think will happen?

Warren Warren
Warren Warren
26 May 2008 08:35

Oh the dichotomy! There are many businesses trading on the Warren who would love to go up-market, such is their pretension. Yet they have to ply their trade via the cheap and tacky, as this is where the money is.

What a beautiful place the Warren would be without the down market, pubs, amusements, camps and apartments. Let's leave the Warren to the bird and sea life. Mother nature is already making plans, by shifting the sand over the river to Exmouth. Maybe she knows something us humans choose to ignore.

bob sinkerson
bob sinkerson
26 May 2008 09:12

I remember the days when i would wander under the railway bridge at the warren, and all you would see was a mass of rabbits heads popping their heads up and scuttling off down their holes. As a place of beauty and tranquility the warren couldn't be touched by many other coastal parts. Unfortunately it has been touched by incompetent and greedy planners who have seen fit to allow tacky buildings to go up. I suppose that the needs and wants of a modern society are also to blame to a degree because of their desire to have everything close at hand no matter if it destroys an areas natural beauty. Was it not also these same committees (only a generation back) who must have had a bit of feeling for the area, who turned down butlins from taking over the warren and instead pointed them in the direction of Weston super Mare?

D Warren
D Warren
26 May 2008 09:19

And the coup de grace?

The building of a large supermarket in the vicinity of the Warren!

The only question is: Will it be Sainsbury or will it be Tesco?

26 May 2008 21:52

Tesco and Sainsbury to the East of Dawlish, Asda and Morrisons to the West. Nothing wrong with that is there?
Fair's fair, why should only two giants get preferential tratment?

Doesn't matter about peoples quality of life does it?

Oh! And to provide enough customers, houses will be built in Dawlish wherever there is a piece of land that developers no longer wish for other forms of livestock to be supported.

The roads will become gridlocked, but what does it matter if it takes a day to do the shopping?

What does it matter if valuable land for growing food is covered in concrete? You can grow your potatoes in a plant pot on the window sill.

Green fingers
Green fingers
27 May 2008 07:04

I think that part of any 106 Agreement should be the provision of allotments in the town.

27 May 2008 12:24

And more open space to be set aside, (playing fields)
Other than that, I totally agree with Green Fingers

Warren Warren
Warren Warren
27 May 2008 18:44

Oops! I think you will find a lot of our playing fields and allotments have been sold off by our local councils to those nice people with their big brown envelopes.

Never will allow our local councillors to gain huge brownie points by promising to improve the lives of all the local youth of their towns, by building a skate park (cus, that's what every young person want's to do, right?).

Yep.....these farts really have their fingers on the zeitgeist!

06 Jun 2008 14:39

Hiyaa,, Sooo Were Is The Nice Sand In Dawlish.. It's Horrible.. :[

07 Jun 2008 20:58

Having gone by boat up the mouth of the Exe this afternoon it is clear that a lot of the sand has gone to extend the spit towards Exmouth. If this continues the danger is that in a winter storm a more westerly part of the Warren is breached - then big trouble upstream.

11 Jun 2008 09:23

Mother nature is claiming back what is rightfully hers. I suggest the proprietor's of the tacky businesses that blot the whole of Dawlish Warren relocate to Benidorm......where they will be amongst their kind.

Charlie Chavvy
Charlie Chavvy
11 Jun 2008 09:54 would solve the Dawlish Warren 'problem' wouldn't it, if the sea were to reclaim it.

Time and Tide and all that.

11 Jun 2008 11:09

Who would miss the tacky Warren if the sea did claim it back? The only losers would be those that make profit from all the idiots who flock to the beach to burn their skin! So much for the evolution of mankind!

Mother nature is just reminding us who is really in charge.

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