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oblivious' Posts

The Fair pays money to Teignbridge Council for the use of the Lawn - it would be interesting to know how much goes back into the repair of the Lawn or even if any of it comes back to Dawlish at all. It really annoys me that if you want to hold a charitable event on the Lawn there are loads of conditions to be met, including no burger vans etc yet a commercial venture like the fair can do what ...

The schools are pretty good, I have more knowledge of Gatehouse than Westcliff as my child went there. Gatehouse has good facilities and excellent teachers. Don't know what childcare is like other than Lanherne Nursery which is also excellent. I think Dawlish is a really good place to live and more young families moving in is good - think we have enough retired people here for now!!

Pssst! It wasn't the Cole family that I was refering to. Can't say who it was or GM Byers will bust a gut

Bear in mind that the mother of this boy escaped prison a few years ago for drug dealing only because she has kids. I am sure that not one penny will be forthcoming from his family as most of it goes on booze and drugs. No wonder that he stands no chance of becoming a useful member of society, surely we should be trying to help him rather than leading a lynch mob? Discuss

28 Jun 2007

Ignore the idiots Steve, most people in Dawlish realise that we need holidaymakers to keep this town going. We are lucky to live here and I for one hope you enjoy your holiday.

No but please feel free to start a rumour!!!!

At no time did I say that I didn't want to read all the cr*p that is posted here - I just would like to choose how far I have to wade before I get to anything of substance. My point was about choice, that's all. Some people choose to come here to get information regarding the town as a holiday venue and whatever we think about holidaymakers we cannot deny that they are the lifeblood of this town. ...

18 Jun 2007

Flaming in the context in which I meant would be in an area where those who chose to participate can flame each other whithout the passer through on this site having to wade through all that to get to what they want to see. The continual attacks/comments regarding the town council, and the personal insults towards the Mayor (regardless of who it is!?) are all going one way. The council can not or ...

17 Jun 2007

Thanks for taking me seriously WM. Been on my hols but my suggestions are - Start a 'flaming' area accesible by password only, which would involve registering but anonymity could still be retained. Perhaps have an info area for holidaymakers browsing this site for ideas to ask questions and get (hopefully) sensible replies. How about a local interest area where those people with nothing better ...

25 May 2007

Please consider setting up a special area for certain contributors to whinge to each other incessantly about the council, the last mayor and the cctv. To be frank they are getting boring. Thank you Oblivious (tongue firmly in cheek 'cos I know it won't happen)