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General Discussion

Suggestion for the webmaster

25 May 2007 18:52

Please consider setting up a special area for certain contributors to whinge to each other incessantly about the council, the last mayor and the cctv. To be frank they are getting boring.

Thank you


(tongue firmly in cheek 'cos I know it won't happen)

yeah but
yeah but
25 May 2007 19:37

Yeah but I spos we don't really have to read them do we. Just look at other posts, everyone is entitled to air their views aren't they.

25 May 2007 20:39

No need for tongue in cheek as I think its a good idea. I've been thinking about spliting the forum into separate forum topics as it will make navigation easier also. Anyone got suggestions for what they should be?

26 May 2007 09:08

To be honest is the most used site for visitors to dawlish, and the topics discussed here are bang out of order, there should be one Cat. and one rule. dis-orderly behavour your out, and Dawlish.

I've used these forums allot, and now they are worse than a back alley. I would like to see this site helping the local community, supporting the events that go on, even contacting them and asking if they would like a page to publicise thier events, such as the shaftesbury theatre, carnival committee.

Time for bickering should end.

26 May 2007 11:06

Every local business and organisation, including the shaftesbury theatre and carnival committee, has free access to this site where they can add news, what's on and create web pages about themselves, but only a few have actually contributed.

I am not sure, though, that it is the most used site for visitors to dawlish.

26 May 2007 20:14

Maybe you should divide it into age groups? Or have a literacy test to get in? ;-)

26 May 2007 20:36

Or what about disclosing your address in The Avenues, so all those whom have been defamated and libeled on your website, can take legal action?

As the publisher of defamitory and libelous statements, the ultimate responsibility lies with yourself.

26 May 2007 20:36

Could do, but that would exclude everyone, including TDC;-)

26 May 2007 20:39

I'm sorry, but you have got the wrong person as the webmaster as I have never lived in the Avenues. My grandmother used to live in Churchill Avenue, but I have never lived there. Whats more, I have not 'defamated' and libeled anyone, but it is people like you who do this, as you have just done with your post.

If you read the terms and conditions of this forum then you would know this.

27 May 2007 00:39

It is time to have people register with you properly with their name and address.. that would stop all the childish postings, because those people would not bother to go to all the necessary registration required.
Or do away with the discussion section completely, as it gives a poor reflection on Dawlish.
You would never ever see the kind of comments here printed in a local paper, yet this is World Wide.

29 May 2007 08:20

How about splitting it between Political, Business, Fun?

29 May 2007 17:26

..where are all the suggestions then ??? .. my goodness it says it all.

30 May 2007 03:02

I have seen forums lose traffic once sub-categorisation occurs. People don't want to navigate intra-forum. There's not enough new topics here to merit sub-forums.

17 Jun 2007 14:26

Thanks for taking me seriously WM.

Been on my hols but my suggestions are -

Start a 'flaming' area accesible by password only, which would involve registering but anonymity could still be retained.

Perhaps have an info area for holidaymakers browsing this site for ideas to ask questions and get (hopefully) sensible replies.

How about a local interest area where those people with nothing better to do than pick over every utterance of the twon council could sit and do this together.

Maybe a just for fun section, for those who want to gossip about their nights out and the hard nuts to posture and brag about their gang membership while the rest of us laugh at them!

I agree that you don't want too many areas as this is just a small forum and it could end up cluttered. However from my experience in other forums is does help users to decide what they want to read.

18 Jun 2007 05:22

I don't agree.

Flames should be kept prominent. Hiving them off to some closeted passworded area is exactly what the kleptocrats on the town council want.

18 Jun 2007 09:48

Flaming in the context in which I meant would be in an area where those who chose to participate can flame each other whithout the passer through on this site having to wade through all that to get to what they want to see.

The continual attacks/comments regarding the town council, and the personal insults towards the Mayor (regardless of who it is!?) are all going one way. The council can not or will not (not sure which?) respond to it here so it's rather tedious.

Surely the Dawlish CCTV 'martyrs' would like their own little place to sit and bang their heads against the wall repeatedly. it would keep them entertained for hours......

Miss Poppins
Miss Poppins
18 Jun 2007 19:05

Who is this flaming joker?
Mr and Mrs oblivious, senior, can take pride in their eponymous son (or is it daughter?). He's a real bright kid. No wasting time on anything he isn't programmed to read. Just open the door to the flame pit and jump right in. Did somebody mention expanding one's mind througheducation? well, no. It's best not to dabble in unknown subjects -- you never know what you might learn. Poor Oblivious junior looks as if he could do with some mind-blowing experiences. Maybe he should join the police force; they're always looking for bright kids (usually the ones on skateboards). But I guess he's not even going to make the grade as an agent provocateur. Must try harder.

Mayor Solarzoom
Mayor Solarzoom
19 Jun 2007 03:49

Au contraire.

It is having an effect. We are being read. They are feeling needled and their response is 'censor'

I don't really care if they don't elect to reply in a public forum, attempting some ham-fisted Dawlish Gazette manipulation.

The council sessions are closed to comment, the Dawlish Gazette is a mouthpiece of the establishment (and i'm a journalist, so i'm well aware of how editorial lines can be manipulated and blurred). is now the sole repository of free speech.

Emperor Solarzoom (Lord Mayor presumptive)

19 Jun 2007 10:36

At no time did I say that I didn't want to read all the cr*p that is posted here - I just would like to choose how far I have to wade before I get to anything of substance.

My point was about choice, that's all. Some people choose to come here to get information regarding the town as a holiday venue and whatever we think about holidaymakers we cannot deny that they are the lifeblood of this town.

The local interest stuff - slagging off the town council, the carnival committee, the press, the teenagers, the skaters and all other elements of society isn't really of interest to someone looking to find a b&b or a recommendation for somewhere to eat.

As for controversy - bring it on. Flaming - well go right ahead, you don't know me or anything about me, it's not personal but it is entertaining!

19 Jun 2007 17:31

I couldn't agree more.
The council bless them, with their forward thinking, has thrust this site to the fore-front of debate. Where else in Dawlish can you have such a debate about any subjuect under the sun if you wish, (well nearly). Bill will say you can't talk about or do some things, because if you do , we will throw a fixed penalty at you.
If simple questions winds up those in authority (whatever that means) then they have a problem, otherwise a simple answer would be sufficient.

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