5 weeks...!!!! gosh i bet he's shaking in his shoes.
Sterilise all the scum to stop them from breeding.
The youth repeatedly breached a civil injunction after attacking innocent people and using threatening and abusive behaviour on a regular basis A spokesperson for Teignmouth and Dawlish Police, said: "Further to our original post regarding the granting of civil injunctions, we can now report that following several breaches by one individual in the group (including two in 24hrs), he has now ...
This is on the agenda at TDC's planning committee scheduled fo 19th January. Officer recommendation is for approval (subject to conditions). 18/01178/MAJ Address: Golden Sands And Peppermint Park, Warren Road, Dawlish Warren, Devon, EX7 0LZ Proposal: Use of land for the stationing of static holiday caravans, re-positioning of play equipment and associated works ...
Planning application 20/00805/FUL (see first post on this thread) is on TDC's planning committee agenda for meeting to be held 19th Jan. Planning officer recommendation is for approval subject to conditions.
To return to the original subject in the first post of this thread - how can we support the NHS? I imagine that means how can we, as individuals, help support, right now, in this present time, the NHS? Well, how about doing whatever we can to avoid becoming a Covid patient? Here are some thoughts (and no apologies if it sounds preachy - the question was asked and I am giving some answers). ...
If you click on this link https://fullfact.org/europe/does-brexit-dividend-exist/?utm_source=content_page&utm_medium=related_content you will see that even when our monies to the EU stop, the NHS will not necessarily benefit.
I said maybe, this goverment through the pandemic has kept many in work and many small businesses will survive due to this goverments unprecedented financial support and plus they have poured huge amounts of cash into the NHS. My understanding of payments to the EU is we still owe 25bn so untill our debt is paid the NHS wont benefit.
I fail to see how the money has been spent on furlough payments when the claim was nothing but a fabrication. Or, to put it more bluntly, one big Johnsonian lie.