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Rainbow's Posts

It must be very nice to be dumb, stupid and a real ass-ache.

26 Aug 2007

It is rumored that the in place is the Mount Pleasant Inn, Dawlish Warren. Give it a try, the staff are most obliging

Mount Pleasant Inn
23 Aug 2007

I have heard that to work at the mount, you have to be slightly different sexually from the norm. Has anybody else heard this?

18 Aug 2007

Some people liked it and many others didn't. What was it all about, was there a theme to it? There were many law breaking activities that were ignored and others that weren't. Luck of the draw I guess.

If you are so ignorant of the facts, why not ask Devon County Council, if you can have a copy of the results. If they will not give them to you, or generally make them available to the public, then there will be an air of suspicion surrounding the installation of the blow pipe's. In case you did not know, they work by a puff of air operating the mechanism in the box at one end of the tubing, ...

Why do people always take more notice of rumour than fact. Always best to check out the source before malicious gossip gets out of hand. The times I have seen the first part of a sentence start with, "I have just spoken to someone", is countless. There are more straw men than real ones.

7 Aug 2007

As I understand it, moves are afoot to stop any development on the Leisure Center complex. Objections to any type of development except for leisure and pleasure should be vigorously supported, not like your town councillors who have been hoodwinked into placing an objection against an application to categorise it as a village green, which would make future development very difficult. The leisure ...

5 Aug 2007

Don't shout to loud, otherwise you may wake up those that are all for the youth of this town. We used to take part in many activities on the school play areas when they were closed for summer holidays, but now the likes of insurance risk policies and the like come into play. But I say who runs this effin country anyway.

Nice little earner for force. Stick up a sign on the property, put a poster in their window and a couple of adverts in the paper. And have a good pi55 up on the rest.

Sorry webmaster. In "Notices" and "Backyard", there is a topic, "Manor park play area". I happened to look at the wrong one. As you can see it caused confusion.