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£80 Fixed penalty withdrawn

17 Aug 2007 17:28

It seems common sense has prevailed and the CPS have withdrawn the fixed penalty placed on K Sharpe for the poster he spread around Dawlish. Inspector Perry must be seething that his decision has been overturned, he should have givn more thought to his actions instead of listening to small minded people. Well done to K Sharpe for not giving in to the threats levied at him.

17 Aug 2007 18:38

Further, what would have happened if Mr Sharp had buckled and paid the £80.
Answer: Nothing apart from the fact that Mr Sharp would be £80 lighter.
This intimidation applies to all fixed penalties where those in authority wish to extract cash from your pockets. If you challenge a FPN (Fixed Penalty Notice) or a PCN (Penalty Charge Notice) for what ever reason, they (the police, begin to buckle) They need to provide the evidence, and in many cases they cannot do that.

24 Aug 2007 11:32

I was offended by the leaflet that was put through my door with a swastica on it.

What I want to know is did Mr Sharp do his research? Did he know when he put his tawdry flyer through people's doors that they weren't victims of the Nazis? Did he know that they hadn't lived under the Stasi control?

If he had been subjected to the controls and oppression of either of these organisations perhaps he'd think twice about reminding people of it. But there again, that wouldn't have got him the publicity he so obviously craves.

24 Aug 2007 20:52

So offend is easily offended, how sad.
"If he had been subjected to the controls and oppression of either of these organisations perhaps he'd think twice about reminding people of it. But there again, that wouldn't have got him the publicity he so obviously craves."

You have completely missed the point.
Yes! people need to be reminded of it.
It is beginning to happen all over again.
Didn't Churchill send our boys across the water to stop the very thing that is staring you in the face once again?
Don't sleep walk, don't dream, wake up to reality.

25 Aug 2007 14:32

No you wake up to reality. I thought the poster was in poor taste. He should have chosen his words more carefully. I believe Mr Sharpe lives on the outskirts of the town so he is obviously oblivious to the drunken brawls and cat fights that go on in town after dark not to mention petty vandalism. Having CCTV IS waking up to reality! And just for the record, I don't have anything against Mr Sharpe, he looks like a pretty decent guy.

25 Aug 2007 15:54

I think its you that needs a reality check, the cameras cannot catch anything at night as they are not infra red, plus on the lawn they can hardly see a thing due to the leaves on the trees. Even the Police say that have tecnical problems and the Town Clerk stated they need tweaking, what he didnt say is that they have to spend more of your money to buy new ones.

25 Aug 2007 20:13

Get over yourself mate.

26 Aug 2007 11:53

This is what you said 'drunken brawls and cat fights that go on in town after dark not to mention petty vandalism.

You twit they cannot see at night

26 Aug 2007 20:31

It must be very nice to be dumb, stupid and a real ass-ache.

02 Sep 2007 00:24

Change your vowel in twit to an A and what have you got ...

02 Sep 2007 16:43

I certainly agree with YOUR interpretation of the word.

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