I feel offended by that!!!! I have never been racist, but please define what you consider to be racist, its a word that gets bandied around a lot
I am sick to death of hearing diversity, multicultural, we are British First. Everybody is afraid to speak up because of being labelled fascist. Freedom of speech and choice is paramount, all this has been taken away from the indiginous population of this Country. I would love to come out of Europe, when it was first proposed it was for ease of trade, what a con that was. I will vote Tory because ...
is it switzerland mark
I signe the petition but will happily post here. Steve is always there at 6 in the morning getting the shop ready with a cheerful smile and a good morning.Nothing is to much trouble for him and very rarely is he miserable or rude to anyone, although I have heard the way some people have spoke to him. The shop is always well stocked and presentable with a wide variety. STEVE is Mr. Stokes of ...
I think you will find he lives there
been told they have to dig it up again water leaks!!!!!!
Couldnt agree more, all we have here is really discount shops all in competition with each other, charity shops and estate agents. Presents is great with their variety also Emotions. How about some specialist clothing shops offering something unigue with extensive size range, Teignmouth manage to do this !!!
as i said get over it, a bit paranoid when you are only a customer, as you say, methinks you are the owner lol
so what you are saying is there should be no competition ! Costcutters are in competition with One-Stop and Co-op dont hear nobody complaining from them. If you open a shop you always have to face the fact that somebody else will open up selling the same, get over it
no dont own anything