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Election Fever Hits Dawlish

Dawlish Man
Dawlish Man
17 Apr 2010 20:38

I saw today that UKIP managed to dig up three stereotypes to tout their xenophobic bile outside the old bank. Utterly laughable. I'm looking forward to reading the manifesto of Independant candidate Keith Sharp. Is it on-line anywhere? Because after reading his letter in the Dawlish Post this week, I really could do with another good laugh.

User 4549
User 4549
18 Apr 2010 10:56

I know Keith pretty well and think you are being unfair, he is the retired assistant Editor of the London Evening Standard, he believes as I do that this Government wants complete control over every aspect of our personal lives, having lost so much personal data over a period of years I dont believe they are professional enough to handle it. I also agree with his thoughts that the EU is too powerful and too expensive (£45 million a day. Not much point in raising the immegration situation. Calling other peoples point of view BILE is also a bit strong.

18 Apr 2010 12:09

Exactly I wont vote for people who spout bile, I want more than talk, I will vote for the big 3,Labour, conservatives or Lib Demd they don't mess about with words, they invade and kill them, over a Half million ead so far and still rising. Spouting Bile, Words ? nah get the job done right, with bullets and flesh and blood...

19 Apr 2010 12:19

I wont be voting for the 3 main parties, scum the lot of them. UKip for me, its a shame the BNP arent standing. Onlt party that seems to tell the truth. As for the evening standard bloke. The crap they used to print, under instruction from the facist NUJ , means he certainly wont be getting my vote.

User 4549
User 4549
19 Apr 2010 18:23

J.W. The only bit I agree with is UKIP which I will also be voting for.

Dawlish Man
Dawlish Man
20 Apr 2010 09:21

So you're voting for the scrapping of 3 million British jobs that are linked to our successful political and economic union with Europe? You're happy to reduce our GDP by £360 per person? You'd prefer that we didn't have guaranteed holiday pay? That maternal and paternal leave be reduced to what it was 10 years ago? Maybe these don't affect the aged demographic of the UKIP support, but think of your grandchildren. How about we double phone call charges? How about greatly increasing air fares and removing compensation for airline passengers bumped off flights? Oh and we definitely need to scrap the European Arrest Warrant don't we? Meanwhile, so anti-EU is that nasty piece of work Nigel Farage, that he's claimed £2million in expenses from the EU Parliament in the last 10 years - dwarfing the Westminster scandal! "Saying we're not racist means that we're not racist, no matter how racist our policies are" So if you're anti-immigrant, socially conservative, don't believe in climate change and your main political aim is to pull out of the European Union and pull up the drawbridge against all 'foreigners', please vote UKIP, because they're very slightly less horrible than the BNP. Don't vote for them, though, if you want to affect European politics in any more constructive way than just to stick two fingers up to the lot. Despite UKIP complaining that too many of Britain's laws are made in Europe, they never turn up to vote against them, or for them, or to change them… They simply never turn up. Their attendance record at the EU Parliament proves that, rather than critics or champions, they're Britain’s laziest politicians, taking the money but not doing any work on the laws they pretend are so important. Meanwhile, we'll continue to live in the real world...

20 Apr 2010 10:09

I heard a woman on the radio saying she was not going to vote...hmm isnt that just what they so wanted to be able to do 100 years ago?, now they can they dont want to! Maybe the plan for some is.. if you dont vote you can say you cant blame me! As for BNP, is that the party that want to chop peoples hands off if they are a criminal?

Don Pearson
Don Pearson
20 Apr 2010 10:37

I don't vote. None of the parties represent my views. However, I do go to destroy my ballot paper.

Dawlish Man
Dawlish Man
20 Apr 2010 12:16

What a ridiculously empty gesture.

User 4549
User 4549
20 Apr 2010 17:16

3 Million Jobs linked to our successful political and economic union with Europe? How many jobs are lost to immigrants? Many have families in their home countries, work here and send the money home, how many criminals from Europe are operating successfully here. Nigel Farage did not set the salary and expenses they earn, and there are 785 MEP’s. For many years now the Accountants have refused to sign off on the Accounts for the EU because of so much corruption. The EU has too much power over our daily lives and I for one don’t like it. You are quite content with it, so good for you.

20 Apr 2010 17:24

Vote for the 'Icelandic Volcano Party' ..they have more control over Immigration than anyone! lol.

User 4549
User 4549
20 Apr 2010 17:30


20 Apr 2010 17:36

Whilst walking this morning , i was hit by a bag of frozen chips, a box of pies and a pizza. It must be the fall out from Iceland. Wasnt it Nigel Farage(ukip) who was caught employing loads of Polish workers doing up his house. I think he also owns an employment agency that specialises in foreign workers. To be honest ive never worked out this myth of all these jobs we would lose if we left the EU. Other countries wouldnt suddenly stop trading with us , trade would be the same. The only job losses would be of the buracrats who work at the EU. On top of that we the taxpayer would save £80million a day and be in charge of our own borders again.

20 Apr 2010 17:39

Forgot to say Farage is a plank , but he is no longer leader. The party is a bit of a shambles at times but its better to vote for them , than the lib/lab/con that continously take us for granted. According to them mass immigration is a figmant of our immaginations.

User 4549
User 4549
20 Apr 2010 18:07

"save £80million a day" I think it is £45.000.000 a day, but whoever is correct its too bloody much

Dawlish Man
Dawlish Man
20 Apr 2010 18:44

How blinkered. If you can tear yourself away from the Daily Mail's xenophobic headlines for just a minute, you'll find that we would lose far more than £45 million a day if we were to weigh anchor and set ourselves adrift from our economic union with all of the EU member states! User4549 - you're anti-immigrant aren't you? Can you please explian why? And how does this hatred of immigrants equate with you saying that you're friends with Keith Sharp? Who, as you know, was an immigrant whilst he was living in Argentina. Do you think that Argentians should have hated him with as much vigour as you hate immigrants who live in the UK? If not, what's the difference?

20 Apr 2010 19:18

The Only country in Europe that is in PROFIT is not part of the EU, has the lowest unemployment in Europe, the highest gdp return per population, the highest level of standard of living, the lowest unemployment and the lowest taxation percentage of All Europe. Can you guess who ?

20 Apr 2010 20:02

is it switzerland mark

21 Apr 2010 08:32

Brussels i would imagine

Dawlish Man
Dawlish Man
21 Apr 2010 08:41

"Five hundred years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock." Thank you Oscar Wilde. Did you know that nearly all of Switzerland's laws are in line with EU laws? Otherwise they wouldn't be able to trade with EU countries. Surely to God you don't want us to lift up the drawbridge and stop trading with the EU? I wonder though if you like the recently passed Swiss law stopping the building of minarets? I bet that's right up your street... It might interest you to know that Switzerlnd is a member of the EU Schengen Zone - meaning that it's citizens can travel throughout Europe without a passport. Unlike Britons... I don't fancy being a Zurich Gnome. I prefer diversity, multi-culturism, freedom and transparency.

21 Apr 2010 14:15

I am sick to death of hearing diversity, multicultural, we are British First. Everybody is afraid to speak up because of being labelled fascist. Freedom of speech and choice is paramount, all this has been taken away from the indiginous population of this Country. I would love to come out of Europe, when it was first proposed it was for ease of trade, what a con that was. I will vote Tory because I cannot stand anymore of Labour and Gordon Brown, its not the Labour Party I grew up with. Lib-Dems wishy washy policies do not appeal to me, and Nick Clegg emulates Tony Blair when he was knocking on the door and his Marxist days were over. Has everybody forgot Younger-Ross expenses scandal, should not even be standing for Election. By the way I do not read the Mail.

Dawlish Man
Dawlish Man
21 Apr 2010 16:13

Who is this "indigenous population of this Country"? I wouldn't label you as a fascist. More of a racist.

21 Apr 2010 16:16

I feel offended by that!!!! I have never been racist, but please define what you consider to be racist, its a word that gets bandied around a lot

21 Apr 2010 16:18

Indiginous applies to people that were born in this country irrespective of colour, in case you refer to me as rascist again

Dawlish Man
Dawlish Man
21 Apr 2010 17:08

So if my parents were born in Bangalore but I was born in Exeter, you'd have no problem with me? Just my parents?

User 4549
User 4549
21 Apr 2010 17:52

The following quote from the Australian Prime Minister should annoy Dawlish Man. "'IMMIGRANTS, NOT AUSTRALIANS, MUST ADAPT.. Take It Or Leave It. I am tired of this nation worrying about whether we are offending some individual or their culture. Since the terrorist attacks on Bali , we have experienced a surge in patriotism by the majority of Australians. '

Don Pearson
Don Pearson
21 Apr 2010 17:53

Dawlish Man, Do you consider it more ridiculous than voting for a party that would not represent me or voting for a party only because I dislike others more? Because the right to vote was dearly bought, I do feel that I should recognise that through my attendance and, yes, I do realise its futility. However, ultimately, all is futile and I act as I believe to be right for me. Don

Don Pearson
Don Pearson
21 Apr 2010 18:02

I think of racism as just one form of prejudice against people who are "not like us". I call it "otherism" for that reason. In that genral form, it encompasses prejudice against women, homosexuals, or people from the next town. It is a pretty universal human fault, easy to spot when you disagree with the sentiments expressed, sometimes more difficult to spot in ourselves. I think it is the most dangerous human attribute as it reduces the "others" to a position of being less human than "we" are.

21 Apr 2010 18:04

exactly!!! and its a pity our Prime Minister has never had the guts to say anything like it, and dawlish man im still waiting for your definition of racist, seeing as how you labelled me it.

21 Apr 2010 19:48

sorry it was my EU accounts figure. i forgot they havent been signed off for at least 10 years

21 Apr 2010 19:53

Why would it cost britain £45 million a day if we pulled out of the EU. Why would the EU stop trading with britain. China seems to do alot of trade with the EU and im sure they arent in the EU. Vote Other and kick the main parties up the arse.

21 Apr 2010 20:35

I hear what you are saying but im afraid it will let Labour have another 5years and i dont think i could bear it

Dawlish Man
Dawlish Man
22 Apr 2010 08:27

Perhaps PJD, you should emigrate? Hey you could join your financially and morally bankrupt ally Jim Davidson overseas, couldn't you? My definition of a racist is someone who hates another person or groups of people because of their colour, creed, or nationality. You fit that bill my racist friend.

22 Apr 2010 08:53

Unless you know me I am not your friend. I have no hatred against anybody for the reasons you give, in fact I find I have no hatred towards people. I do hate the way the hardworking people of this Country are treated. People in power that are corrupt and are immoral in their actions, victims of wrongdoings are treated as the perpetrators, but hey why should I go on after all Im just a simple lowly being working hard and living in social housing with no assets, just trying to pay my way and my destiny is in the hands of the people who control me, my ancestors must be turning in their graves, they fought for their Country to befree from Europe now we have been given over to them by sucessive governments. Dont bother replying because after all your opinion is all that matters, nobody else must enter a concourse with you because you are right

Dawlish Man
Dawlish Man
22 Apr 2010 11:35

You'll make your mind up, my friend. One minute you hate diversity, multi-culturism and people who are not indigenous, next minute you claim not to. What gets me are the lies that the media peddle and that people believe. For example, you've just written that "you hate the way that hard-working people are treated". I think you need a few facts, rather than a few Daily Mail / Daily Torygraph / Daily Sexpress headlines: So how about the introduction of the minimum wage that has rewarded hard working people? What about the fact that all hard working people now have the right to more paid holidays than ever before? What about the introduction of paternal leave for hard working fathers? What about the extension of maternal leave for hard working mothers? What about the rights of hard working young people to take paid leave to further their education or to take part in training? What about the rights of hard working carers who are now entitled to ask their employers for flexible working hours? Do you want me to go on busting the myths, because I can... And by the way, my ancestors didn't fight and die to be free from Europe. They fought and died to enable everyone to be free from tyranny and persecution, irrespective of age, colour, gender or race. Your friends in the BNP go against everything that my ancestors fought and died for - so don't give me that bollocks.

22 Apr 2010 12:13

I have no connection with the BNP. If I thoughtUKIP stood a chance id more and likely vote for them. Actually ive always voted Labour but will now vote Tory. Have I confused you more

Dawlish Man
Dawlish Man
22 Apr 2010 12:24

Confused me more than what? Have you actually read my previous message? UKIP = BNP-lite. Tories = BNP-superlite. What policies of the Tories have made you decide to vote for them?

22 Apr 2010 17:54

Id vote BNP , so that makes me a racist then, although i prefer to call myself a nationalist, little englander. Pull up the draw bridge, man the barricades.

22 Apr 2010 18:19

lol!!!! expect the tirade from herr feuhrer

Dawlish Man
Dawlish Man
22 Apr 2010 19:28

I didn't realise that Nick Griffin used this website...

User 4549
User 4549
23 Apr 2010 09:30

It looks like Nick Clegg is paying the price and coming under the spotlight with more scrutiny which he will not like. "Nick Clegg has admitted taking expenses for business-class air travel while actually flying economy as a member of the European Parliament. The Liberal Democrat leader used the budget airline BMI Baby to fly between Brussels and the UK, but was paid what he admits was 'whopping' expenses based on the price of a business-class seat on a major airline.

23 Apr 2010 11:37

Younger-Ross is still standing for re-election after his expenses rip off, no remorse should have stood down

Dawlish Man
Dawlish Man
23 Apr 2010 11:41

I find it interesting that the Daily Hate (as per your quote) and the Daily Torygraph have all of a sudden embraked on this utterly distasteful smear campaign against Clegg. It would be funny if it was to backfire on them and we were to have a hung parliament, and Clegg then chose to side with Labour because the nasty pieces of work that still infest the Tory Party a(nd their media mouthpieces) have proven in the last fews days that a leopard doesn't change it's spots. I tell you what, these TV debates haven't half shown up Cameron. Without a script he's clueless. No script and no policies. At least Blair (who Cameron has tried but failed to imitate) had style AND substance. That reminds me, I'm still waiting for PJD to answer my question re the Tory policies that have made him decide to vote for them.

Dawlish Man
Dawlish Man
23 Apr 2010 11:47

I 100% agree. Likewise every other parliamentarian who was caught with their fingers in the till.

23 Apr 2010 12:30

The lib dems would choose Labour, they are a extreme left wing socialist party, much further left than Labour, with policies such as mass migration amnesty, to over 3 million immigrants to the Uk, where they will all live in a country with 4.7 million people already on council house waiting list is never a concern of socialists, they would just chuck out the natives. so they will chose who is closet to them and that is Labour.

User 4549
User 4549
23 Apr 2010 12:41

Dawlish Man "No script and no policies. At least Blair (who Cameron has tried but failed to imitate) had style AND substance" . You are kidding he was just a blatant liar and very good at it. May he rot with his multi million pound account. Also to become Peace envoy for the middle east anther joke.

23 Apr 2010 13:10

Its Nick Clegg that comes over to me as trying to emulate Blair, same hand movements. DM Ive already said why I will vote Tory, not a minute longer of Brown, Lib-Dems even worse, feel if I vote for any other will keep Brown in power

Dawlish Man
Dawlish Man
23 Apr 2010 15:11

So your not voting for the Tories because of their policies? Well more fool you if they take power and when it all comes crashing down around your ankles.

23 Apr 2010 15:37

Labour has done nothing to help me except the winter fuel allowance, taxed me to the hilt with stealth taxes, free bus pass (we all pay for this in our council tax) which i still have to pay, never use it as the public transport does not fit my requirements.Maternity leave never needed that nor did my partner, woman stayed at home then, paternity leave what man in his right mind wants to stay at home and what woman would want them to. If youngsters were taught properly in the first place they would not need to retrain. I just want a Government to be transparent and tell u how it is, its going to be tough no matter what when we are in so much debt. I like DC ideas on immigration we have left the door unguarded for too long Labour has had 13years to control it and still cant. Labour have lied over and over about everything its time for a change, Im not saying I agree totally with the Cons but I feel more in tune with them than Labour/Liberal

Dawlish Man
Dawlish Man
23 Apr 2010 15:38

Reading today's Dawlish Post has reminded me, does anyone know where I can find Keith Sharp's manifesto on-line? I know he's said in the today's Post that his main priority for the constituency is to make sure that pubs close earlier (he doesn't say how much earlier, of course), and that he thinks its funny to take the piss out of people suffering from dementia, but what other policies are he putting forward?

Dawlish Man
Dawlish Man
23 Apr 2010 15:45

It's clear from above that you're only concerned about yourself, so I can therefore see how you are absolutely in tune with the Tories. It'll be just like the 1980's again - ME, ME, ME and bugger the consequences for the rest of us.

23 Apr 2010 16:21

but DM isnt that what 99% of the voting public do, vote fo the party they feel will benifit them most, and also what the majority of people who go into politics think "whats in it for me"

Don Pearson
Don Pearson
23 Apr 2010 16:29

Talking about leopards not changing their spots, I am encouraged to think that the Mail, Express and Telegraph are still as they were in the days when their front pages facing me across the London Underground made me want to set fire to them. I don't really want to overturn my own prejudices. Does the Express still call itself "The Voice of Britain?" Is the empire still alive in the pages of the Mail? Does the Telegraph still masquerade as a quality newspaper? Do any of them ever separate news from opinion? Don

24 Apr 2010 09:42

Anne-Marie Morris the Conservative Candidate in the Strand at 11.30 this morning

24 Apr 2010 10:19

Cant believe people still buy newspapers. I am happy with News 24 on TV and more up to date. The only paper I have is the Dawlish one and that comes through the door free! What happened to Tony Blair?..he was suppose to help GB win lol.

24 Apr 2010 10:25

You are lucky we dont get that delivered to us anymore in our area

25 Apr 2010 11:20

Compulsary Parking on double yellows must be in it. I could never vote Tory . Liars through and through. I remember the last time they were in . Maggie promised to clamp down on immigration , yet it actually went up. Tories are supported by Buisness and Farming, two of the groups that need cheap immigrants most, so they are hardly going to shut the door on them. Watched Clegg this morning , who was tackled on his illegals Amnesty. It is widely regarded that there are 2 million of them, under his proposals they would be allowed one relative to join them from overseas. So great we will get another 2 million . Then of course there is the 2 million plus that are expected to come when Turkey joins the EU. Vote the Minor parties including Keith Shark

28 Apr 2010 20:22

Bliny just seen News on TV ..GB calling woman a 'bigot' ..his big mouth! You wouldnt now would you even if you were thinking of.

28 Apr 2010 20:35

And to then realise that you have just c@cked up to make a grovelling apology, sorry Gordon damage done now everybody can see you for what you are, a snivelling liar with contempt for the ordinary person

Don Pearson
Don Pearson
29 Apr 2010 00:41

i.e. a typical senior British politician.

User 4549
User 4549
29 Apr 2010 09:20

No comment yet from the Bruin supporter Dawlish Man, Bruin has shown his true feelings towards the people of this country, this power mad Scot has to go and the sooner the better.

Dawlish Man
Dawlish Man
29 Apr 2010 09:28

Brown supporter? Me? Something else you've got wrong User 4549, as I vote based upon policies not personalities. That said, better the likes of Brown than the likes of you and your racist mate. Oh, and I certainly wouldn't want a power mad old-Etonian in charge of our kingdom. P.S. Where's Keith Sharp's manifesto? I still can't find it anywhere.

User 4549
User 4549
29 Apr 2010 10:05

So you are not voting for anybody or dont you have the guts to say which party you prefer, maybe your agenda is just the hate of Keith Sharp who in your mind does not have the right to express his opinion. Only you have that right. What a self centred idiot you are. And no I have not seen KS's agenda and also do not know how to find it.

29 Apr 2010 10:20

Just like his idol Gordon

29 Apr 2010 10:37

I think gordan has shown us his parties view of the white working class person. Mention the I word and you are a racist bigot, yet for the 3 parties its fine to discriminate against whites. Its a shame the BNP arent standing, hopefully they will next time. Reluctantly it will have to be UKIP.

Dawlish Man
Dawlish Man
29 Apr 2010 11:11

"I am voting for policies not personalities". Which part of that statement do you fail to understand, User 4549? As for Keith Sharp's opinion, he lost that right a long time ago, as proven by his disgusting piss-take of people suffering from dementia. Once I have read all of the candidate's manifestos, I shall make up my mind about which party I shall be voting for. Unlike a lot of people in this area, I don't feel the need to stick massive eyesore signs in my garden/field proclaiming my allegiance.

29 Apr 2010 19:24

I do think people should use their vote for someone whoever! Just seen the Ch4 news where these woman were saying 'we are not going to vote', isnt that the very thing woman wanted to be allowed to do way back 1900, now they can they wont! duh!, Maybe they dizzy blondes love blondes lol.

30 Apr 2010 10:24

if they dont like any of the parties then they should spoil there ballott papers.That way parties cant blame low turnout for losing.

User 4549
User 4549
30 Apr 2010 15:51

DW, Now you can read what Keith has to say in todays Dawlish Post, and what all the candidates have to say. I didnt see dementia mentioned anywhere.

lazlo woodbine
lazlo woodbine
01 May 2010 07:17

So how do you recommend an experienced mechanical engineer vote, that was made redundant Jan 2009, who could not find employment in his proffession, due to the recission caused by the present governments inability to manage the economy, who could not find employment in an alternative vocations as a HGV driver and fork lift driver due to the influx of migrant workers taking the positions avaible, due to the present governments inability to manage the immagration of this country?. How do you reccomend to this man vote, whos two teenage children have very little chance of finding employment due to the present governments inability to invest in the future of its young school leavers?. How do you reccomend this man vote, who due to changes in benefits by the present government has had to live on £64 a week job seekers allowence and £87 a week housing benefit. How do you reccomend this man vote, who due to the present governments inability to cope with huge unemployment has had to seek employment in another area, leaving his wife and family behind visiting only every other week. Isnt it about time people like you Mr Dawlishman actually get to the real world, as you have told others, and get out of your self opinionated, egotistical, blinkered world and joined the rest of us. Its time for a change, be it UKIP, BNP, or even the monster raving looney party, we have had years of bullshit and crap from governments, lets have something different.

User 4549
User 4549
01 May 2010 08:14

Well said Lazlo

03 May 2010 06:28

There are posotive things that govermment have done that benifit millions of people what about the minimum wage, tax credits, low inflation and very low interest rates. Is it possible that we are all at fault for our spend spend spend attitude in the past few years the WORLD economy is in a poor way is every leader of every nation at fault and unable to manage there economies maybe we should look at the bigger picture and blame those who realy caused this WORLD wide recession

03 May 2010 10:07

Many countries experienced difficulties after the banking crash but were better placed to move into recovery, unlike us who are suffering from the ridiculous amount of debt amassed by the current government whose spending has been out of control for years. It is for this that we will all have to suffer.

05 May 2010 16:24

Ive seen the light VOTE UKIP

05 May 2010 17:58

if someone lives in an area with a BNP candidate, then that should be the choice. followed by English democrat and then Ukip. If you dont like any of these then go for a minor party that fits your needs. JUST DONT VOTE LIB/LAB/CON its time to punish them and make them listen to us.

06 May 2010 00:21

Amazed how many 18 years olds are not bothering to vote, as they dont understand or care. Should the minimun vote age be 21 in the hopes that by then they may have a little idea and knowledge based on the last government when they were 17? OF course if they couldnt vote at 18 they would fight too lol.

lazlo woodbine
lazlo woodbine
06 May 2010 19:45

My 21 year old didnt have a clue how to vote or who to vote for. Mrs Woodbine and my self collected as much information on each parties policies and also gave him the web sites to look at and let him decide whats going to be best for him in his future and his younger siblings future. Very reluctant at first to be wasting his time on this, he did get a small interest after a while and made up his mind how to cast his vote. Its up to us parents to advise how to select and encourage them to use the vote, but not to tell them who to vote. I did actually ask him how he was going to vote but was given the answer that its his vote and he doesnt have to tell anyone who he chosen. At least something sunk in.

06 May 2010 19:55

Well done! sounds like he is voting different from you, they all seem to do the opposite now.

07 May 2010 09:14

younger-ross gone at last YIPPEE!!!!!!!!!!!

Dawlish Man
Dawlish Man
07 May 2010 12:37

82 votes for Keith Sharp!!!! Time for him to emigrate again!

07 May 2010 16:37

but 82 agreed with him, a lot more most probably did but considered voting for him, was wasted in trying to get brown out. at least he had the b*lls to put himself up for the election

User 4549
User 4549
07 May 2010 17:15

I agree with you PJD, and what more do you expect from a vindictive pea brain like Dawlish Man

formerly the investigator
formerly the investigator
07 May 2010 17:22

I think its a shame. Look at what we have got now !!! Someone from Surrey I believe. A real local (?) person who has NO interest in this area, except to use it as a step to get into Parliament. I heard her talking back in March, and she has NO IDEA about life down here.

07 May 2010 17:32

Better than (is my hair ok)expenses rip off younger-ross. Give her a chance before slating her, she might surprise you

07 May 2010 19:51

I prefer a wonan to a man anyday lol. Hope she does well!!

User 4549
User 4549
07 May 2010 20:00

Copied from the FT; Nick Clegg made €362,550 profit on his Brussels home while receiving Brussels accommodation allowances. Official documents obtained by Open Europe show that Lib Dem leader Nick Clegg made a profit of €362,550 on the sale of his home in Brussels he bought while receiving thousands of pounds in accommodation allowances as an MEP. Just shows they are all at it, some more than others.

Dawlish Man
Dawlish Man
07 May 2010 21:07

The pea brains are the ignorant bigots who voted for him. His putting himself up for election was nothing to do with having balls, it was all about self-publicity. In fact, just like his soulmate Peter Harry. 82? The Monster Raving Loony Party would have got more votes than that! What time's the next slow boat to Buenos Aires? Adios Sharp...

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