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@flo , I didn't think so, but others have been reporting similar odd behavior. I will look into it.

Explanation from the BBC about the concrete...

25 Feb 2014

Network Rail has told the government it hopes to reopen the railway line destroyed by storms at Dawlish before its target of mid-April. Rail minister Steve Hammond said he had been given a "commitment" that "if they can beat that date, they will".

The reopening of the South West's main rail link will be delayed by up to two weeks after another storm causes more damage at Dawlish in Devon. BBC News :- Dawlish business affected by storms helped by Devon Community Foundation Herald :- ...

BBC news article suggesting Network Rail has a preferred alternative route to the Dawlish one. However, abandoning the Dawlish route was "not an option".

Engineers have been working on a six-hours on, six-hours off basis around the tidal patterns to protect the most damaged section of sea wall in the coastal town of Dawlish, Devon. Full assessment of repairs will carried out this week, along with a revised timescale. Until then. the initial assessment of at least six weeks to completion still holds. Source: ...

Travellers in south west England will get more flights and discounted train fares to help them after the rail in Dawlish in Devon was wrecked by severe storms. McLoughlin said that, following discussions with the DfT, airline Flybe will double, to six, the number of daily flights between Newquay in Cornwall and Gatwick airport in West Sussex from next Wednesday. This will provide more ...

Several miles of ballast which supports track on the railway line was washed away and one hundred feet of sea wall collapsed at Dawlish during the evening. More floods are expected and coastguards are warning of gale force 9 for Wednesday morning. Source: Pictures: ...

@michaelclayson , I will have a think about this. We used to have separate forum sections for politics, the council and holiday information, but people still posted everything in the general section.

A coastal erosion expert has warned that the new year storms could see more cliffs collapsing later this year. Storms have already caused a number of collapses around the coast, including at Porthcothan Bay in Cornwall where a landmark rock arch fell into the sea. Read News Article ... Powerful waves hit the sea defences at Dawlish in Devon