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@TRB, 1) Lynne's posts are not irrelevant. 2) I'm not giving you a public warning about the lengths of your posts. I hope this clarifies things for you.

20 Jun 2024

@TRM, as I already said, you don't get to decide who can respond to your posts on here because it is a public forum. If you'd read my last post then you would already know I'm not giving you a public warning about the lengths of your posts.

20 Jun 2024

@TRB, I never said there were rules about the length of posts. The fact that you had to post 2 paragraphs in response to Lynne's post shows what she wrote was clearly relevant.

20 Jun 2024

@TRB, If what Lynne posted was irrelevant, it wouldn't have needed a two-paragraph response.

20 Jun 2024

@TRB, when you address someone they have a right to respond. Also, as this is a public forum, anyone can respond to your posts, and you don't get to choose who. If you want a restricted discussion where you can choose who posts, you can create a group. This site still has this functionality.

20 Jun 2024

@TRB, the final paragraph. It's not a question as such, but it is addressed to Lynne.

20 Jun 2024

@TRB, just because you don't like what Lynne has to say doesn't mean her comments are irrelevant. She has every right to comment here as it is a public forum. So which is it? Do you want Lynne to back off or do you want her to answer the question you just asked her after telling her to back off? Also, please do not tell other users to back off. That is not acceptable on here.

20 Jun 2024

@Lynne you aren't in breach of anything, and yes, you are right about views. It would be useful to have that metric but it isn't easily obtainable at the moment. But from the daily overall page views (summarised below for the last 3 days), the ratio of views to users is around 6 if that helps. Date Users Page Views 19/06/2024 211 1512 18/06/2024 ...

Anyone that previously signed up with a Microsoft email address will not be able to receive emails anymore due to Mircrosoft blocking them. A list of email addresses affected are in this thread. If you are one, and have forgotten your password and are trying to reset it, you won't be able to get the email the site sends to you to recover it. ...