Oh yes - https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/889821674987761664 Here we go!
So basically according to that time line no one wanted to be in the EU in the first place. Let's get out asap, rig up trade deals with the rest of the world including the EU on our terms and let the good times roll.
Absolutely brilliant, something nice to celebrate and enjoy for many years. Many thanks to all involved.
Well, I'm clearly not as there are 3 agrees.
ok, thanks for the info @ZIGGY . i better dig out some id then.
Only one day to go!
I'm sure we're all very much looking forward to Snooky Fest. Does anyone know if you can take your own beers in or do you have to buy them there?
Let's give up on these Oxbridge plonkers. Perhaps we could persuade Miss Universe to be our MP.
http://thehill.com/homenews/house/341527-bill-allocates-16-billion-for-trumps-border-wall He is his own man, not owned by the media or Wall Street and they hate him for it. What a great President, he just gets the job done.
What is woodpile?