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Malta thinks we should revote our decision

20 Sep 2018 11:34

The prime Minister of Malta thinks we should re run the referedum. Maybe our brave servicemen and women

during the last war they should have had a vote whether to risk thier lives in trying to save his shitty litle island

from the Nazis.

Maybe we should not forget the twenty seven countries who are trying to  make  us grovel.

Every dog has it's day. 


3 Agrees
20 Sep 2018 12:14

It's the usual EU trick; make them vote again.  They've done it countless times with other countries, but this time it's not going to work.


8 Agrees
20 Sep 2018 13:36


Let's get out asap. There may be an initial cost but we can use loans. It won't take long until we are doing much better than before. 

We will trade with the world including the EU, but we will remember how they have treated us and that we owe them no loyalty whatsoever.

The EU will go down the pan, due to their idiocy. Brexit was caused by the EU, they only have themselves to blame.

Only 6 months to go until we can all have a big party!

11 Agrees
20 Sep 2018 18:40

We're leaving !!!

6 Agrees
22 Sep 2018 14:40

Walk like a lemming..... gammon mantra lol


22 Sep 2018 15:10

When all else fails the remainers resort to racist abuse.

5 Agrees
24 Sep 2018 16:07

I wish the remainers would just move over there and stay there!! . they would soon be back when they miss the benefits!

6 Agrees
24 Sep 2018 18:11

I wish the Brexiters would stop shouting project fear whenever they hear something they don't like and face up to reality but hey ho!

3 Agrees
27 Sep 2018 09:34

What do Brexiters have to worry about if we had another vote? If they are so right that out is the correct decision then the country will vote that way again ... 

2 Agrees
27 Sep 2018 10:03

If the decision made by the electorate in 2016 to leave the EU is overturned before it is put into effect then we might as well give up on democracy in this country.  Using the Remoaners logic we should have a general election every year, just to be sure we haven't changed our mind since the last one.

3 Agrees
27 Sep 2018 10:13

I would agree if we knew what Brexit was going to look like when people voted and people had voted for that but it was based on lies. We have also been arrogant and not negotiated properly expecting the EU to just agree to all our demands. The unfortunate thing is May is the best the Tories have as a leader.

2 Agrees
27 Sep 2018 10:37

You're having a laugh.  It is the EU that has not negotiated, Brussels considers the EU project to be sacrosanct will not allow anything to undermine that idealogy.  It's why after two years we are barely any further forward.  The only option is for a no-deal exit, a negotiated withdrawal is impossible.  It would help if we had a PM who believes in Brexit.

8 Agrees
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