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Discussion Posts

@Steve , it's not personal, it's based on your words in th thread where it is evident for all to read that you stated that you don't know anything about anthropogenic climate change sceince. I'm saying you're not the arbiter of truth either, which is in response to your comment. I never said I was either, but I can defend scientific process and you won't even go there. In terms of my ...

2 days ago

Saying something like "You don't understand so ans so ..." is a personal statement. I never said I was arbiter of truth, I just said you weren't. I've not asked you for your background because it's irrelevant. And I never said I don't know anything about the scientific methodology, the subject of climate science and rigour in research. I thought you wanted to end the conversation. Make up ...

@Steve , You've taken it personally, that's a shame. You're not the arbiter of truth either and you've not explained why anthropogenic climate change science is flawed, in any case you admit you know nothing about it. I didn't ask for your life story, I simply asked you to provide some details concerning your background so anyone reading this could decide whether your scepticism had any ...

2 days ago

I understand natural phenomena perfectly well thanks. You aren't arbiter of truth. I've explained why I think the climate crisis is flawed. I don't need to give you my life story as well as it's irrelevant. Cheers anyway.

@Steve , I don't disagree with much of what you've written, people are poorer because of austerity, there's no 'may be' about it. I don't think you do understand natural phenomena antmore than you understand climate science or scientic enquiry in general. It is a discussion and debate page, but seeing as you don't answer or side-step many of my questions it';s just going around in circles. I ...

2 days ago

I have a sense of humour, I just don't see why it has to be a hoax. Understanding of natural phenomena changes all the time. People may be poorer because of austerity, but it doesn't mean they can't get even poorer. Government schemes tend to have that side-effect. It does say discuss and debate on the home page. Happy to end the chat here too. Hopefully I've provided a less gloomy ...

@Steve , you either lack a sense of humour, cannot follow a thread or are just prone to misunderstanding. Or you just twist it to your supposed benefit to save face or avoid actual discussion. I'm not saying the moon landings were staged. I'm referring to it to highlight your lack of trust in anything climate change related that attributes it to human activity. I asked if you thought indigenous ...

A TEAM of nurses from Dawlish Community Hospital put on their running shoes to raise money for charity. The foursome took part in the Race For Life for Cancer Research which was held at Westpoint in Exeter.

Sunny day 19 - 12

Moon landings? You seem to be grasping at straws. I've only stated obvious facts. Nothing I’ve said is a belief. Anyone genuinely concerned about the climate would be relieved that the climate catastrophes predicted every decade since the 70s were all wrong. It's only bad news for those hoping to use the climate hysteria to further their ideological causes. People are going to be even poorer ...