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leatash's Posts

Excellent programme very enjoyable and great for Dawlish and the Air Show.

Taylorjack913 it wasnt to long ago you where asking everyone to vote for David Cameron now its his fault the sea wall is falling down my advise move to Paignton you will be happy there.

6 Oct 2013

Taylorjack913 seems to be concerned about it i have no concerns at all the wall is looked at on a regular basis and repaired end of.

5 Oct 2013

Its been falling down for years i believe railtrack are resposible for the wall it is breached by the sea on a regular basis and always being repaired.

How can this policy work there is a shortage of 1 beds the properties should have been built before the legislation was even conceived.

Yes me to

Fred you cant sell them from a shop but can from the roadside

Just a thought how about building lines alongside those that are already there,  I presume the land up to the fences either side of the track is owned by railtrack so there would be less planning and little or no objections and i would imagine less engineering costs.

Attention of Paul
28 Sep 2013

I am a socialist so was my father and he was a very wealthy man but at the end of each year he shared his profits with the folk who worked for him.  In fact he always had a meeting and went through the accounts and planned the following year with the men who worked for him. The profits where always divided depending on years service and at the end of each day he played the Red Flag if every ...

25 Sep 2013