Most of the population is tired of walking on egg shells and why should we. Do we have freedom of speech i dont believe we have, yet some minority groups seem to have as they spout verbal threats to the Police and others while burning our national flag. I wonder if i as a white British male did the same outside of a Police Station if i would get away with it.
It looks as though some investment, improvements will be made to the parks i would imagine this can only be good for Dawlish whats disgusting about that.
The problem is a large proportion of the British public are racist in one way or another and the reason they dont air there views is the threat of prosicution from the miriad of laws we have to protect minority groups. So there is a wave of discontent boiling away and at some point the lid will blow of and we will have widespread rioting and civil unrest across the country. Now the problem has ...
The problem is we see reports of Muslim women in the Middle East banned from driving, we see Muslims burning our national flag and threatening to kill Police Officers and others. We see forced marriage and murders if the girls refuse to marry. No wonder there is a growing tide of anger towards Muslims when in Rome springs to mind
From what i understand there are a number of Eastern European drivers in Newton and they have taken offence at the Locall Driver part of the flag.
For those who would like to give more to the RBL the Poppy Girls CD is available from Sunday i do believe Sainsburys will have it in stock Sunday also available from Amazon.
Paul i think you are missing the point if a country like India can afford to send a probe to Mars and spend billions on hi teck weaponry why should we give aid. Maybe the Indian goverment should use those billions to help those who are in poverty or am i missing something.
They have also in recent months had a new Aircraft Carrier built and stocked with French jets in my humble opinion we shouldnt give them a red cent.
Sainsburys car park free every day of the year.
Just let them enjoy themselves its a great time of year TRICK and TREATING, FIREWORKS, BONFIRES, and then we can look forward to CHRISTMAS.