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leatash's Posts

The same concerns where voiced when Barclays closed and again when HSBC closed Natwest closing will not make one jot of difference to visitor numbers  or the amount of cash spent, by Chritmas it will be as though it was never there.    michaelclayson is spot on the future of Dawlish it could be in events a new pavilion on the lawns should have a management committee who can organise a number of ...

30 May 2014

I bank with Nationwide the nearest branch being Newton Abbot and i haven't been there since i opened the account 14 years ago.   Over the counter banking will slowly dissapear as tecknology takes over, our debit cards will go as  mobile phones will be the way to pay thousands are already using their phones to pay for fuel etc, we just have to move with the times.   A few more years and there will ...

ALLEMS, SMELLA, 29 democracies around the world have legislation in place that requires there citizens to vote many in Europe, and Australia so why not here you would at least get a true picture of who should run the country. HuwMathews2 You are spot on the pressure on housing, Health care, education, crime, etc etc is affected by immigration and at long last we have a party who have the guts ...

26 May 2014

There should be legislation in place to make it a legal requirment to vote for all UK citizens with a provision for online voting.

Getting the views of the folk of Dawlish is like pulling hens teeth just look at the Strand proposals if i remember correctly less than 500 people voted for either scheme i bet more folk will be voting for britains got talent.

Some of the larger charities pay there CEOs huge amounts of money the CEO of the Red Cross get's £119,560 per year.   Now from what i understand Caz who is a wonderfull woman takes little or nothing from the charity maybe she should be in charge of the Red Cross.

Advice please
24 May 2014

Lynne just messaged you

Mcjrpc So you havent noticed the kids who shoot baskets every evening when weather permits a little out of touch i would say its the most used item on the lawns.

Advice please
24 May 2014

Andysport, There are good roofers, Gas fitters, electricians, plasterers,general builders,great local trades i needed my roof looked at yesterday he was here within the hour coming back in the morning to do the job maybe its not what you know but who you know.

roberta You are so wrong for those who are against the EU this is the time to cause havoc, far right and far left parties are on the increase in Europe and it is more than likely they could soon hold 30 or 40% of the power in the EU Parliment.  If this happens then it will be virtualy impossible for Brussels to function because nothing will ever be agreed and then the  EU could destroy itself ...