Just get rid of Corbyn anyone would be better than than him the man is a disgrace send him back to the back benches where he belongs.
Kids in Brunswick Place running ferrel tonight throwing litter every where and making a nuisance of themselves as usual nothing has changed i dont see any success at all.
Every morning the buggers wake me at 0330 with their squawking if only they were not protected they wouldn't squawk for long!!!!!!
Have been away for a few days and thought there would be more interesting things to read on the forum i cant believe this is still going on.
They all lied from IT WILL CAUSE WORLD WAR 3 if we leave, to spending money on the NHS in fairness the slogan on the bus is not incorrect its just clever advertising it doesnt say how much we should spend its like many adds we see on a daily basis that mean one thing but say another.
Every election, bye election, every time we are asked to vote we are lied to are we not, they all lie so why is everyone making a fuss thats what politicians do they lie my tip for the day "never never trust a politician they lie" I didn't listen to anybody i decided for myself as i saw fit and what i thought was best for Great Britain and what ever the outcome i would have been satisfied that the ...
I still dont understand why folk are so p*******d off at the end of the day we are a democracy and the people voted to leave now right or wrong we just have to get on with it, now it effects my life little one way or the other but i wonder if the result had been different if we would have had all this fuss. On reflection i wonder if we have a younger generation who are used to getting there own ...
Network rail own and maintain the wall.
And that says it all.
We need do we not attractions for visiting families when the tide is in or a grey day a playpark would be a great idea it may keep the visitors with kids in town and maybe spend some cash. Dawlish is as it is because folk are backward thinking we still have the old bandstand what a eyesore that is and all because folk dont want change wake up people this is the 21st century and visitors want more ...