Could it happen lets hope so.
Exeter road is in a very poor state of repair and yet the minority get perfect surfaces to ride there bikes on while my spine takes a daily battering on Exeter road. Not only is that unacceptable but the cyclists still insist on using the road weaving around the holes without even looking what vehicles are near them me thinks the world has gone mad.
They were begging under the viaduct on Monday they need to be arrested and charged THE LAWS ARE IN PLACE, Vagrancy act 1824 sect 3, and Summary offences act 1966 sect49A.
So the problem is that the CEO'S can't deal with obstruction or mounting the kerb offences, only a warranted officer can do so. The PCSO'S have had their traffic powers revoked to save money and the Police are too busy to deal with parking problems. The problems all started when goverment decided to de criminalise parking, get rid of Police Traffic Wardens to save money and introduced the PCSO ...
Even with a blue badge the vehicle should not be on the footpath FOOT being the operative word. So what offences has this driver commited. 1 Obstruction of the footpath 2 Obstruction of a disabled access point. 3 Mounting the kerb. My calculations about £90 pounds worth of fines.
My god Paul you must be the perfect human being you wouldn't by any chance be one of the 12 disciples ?
We have lost a perfectly good path round Tucks Plot and Street Lighting above 2/4 garage but a number of LED lights have been put along the Cycle Path in Lanherne so we now have a dark patch in a 30 zone and a well lit cycle path mad or what???
Dawlish Post page 70 first one under public notices.
There is a notice in the paper for tenders for the shop.
Paul@ Should have gone to Specsavers.