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Dave The Estate Agent

Dave The Estate Agent's Posts

DM = Dawlish Moaner would be more appropriate!! Why should PJD bu@@er off to Teignouth just because you don't like his comments? The carnival was great as always, but this year there seemed no logic to the traffic enforcement. Our team didn't win the pram race but my eyes were wonky and my knees sore by the end of it, but the blooming cars honking their horns was a nuisance, this needs to be ...

Police Cars
17 Aug 2010

You what....the Bishop of Dawlish and Starcross has been busted for class A. WOW this makes the men of cloth worth a visit on a Sunday....I've never met a real dealer!!

15 Aug 2010

Heard the canteen doesn't open at a weekend anymore due to D&C Constabulary cut backs and the local churches have free crisps and wine on Sundays!

Had Enough. FAO PJD
10 Aug 2010

By their postings my learned friend: 'If you come back with the information, Captain Darling will pump you thoroughly in the debriefing room.'

9 Aug 2010

Maybe as Fell699 or Roy or even L&C? What about Boot Strap Bill or maybe Viaduct....but then again am I Dave TEA??

3 Jan 2010

@ The Investigator Just been to the Lanny as it's too cold under my stone...were you drinking a Babycham and muttering on about the mighty Seasiders being able to turnover Man Utd? This isn't a private forum or we couldn't all be on it unless by invitation or Royal Appointment, but what about the shop idea? I'd like to see Dawlish regenerated and many more locals shops for local people, but alas I ...

3 Jan 2010

Happy New Year to all my lost Forum chummies......oh how I've missed this on my travels, but I'm back from Australia for a while (wasn't able to get onto forum due to the nature of my work in OZ). Whilst not being able to prove this is Fell699 the obnoxious comments from the investigator do seem remarkably similar in portrayal of all of us lower life forms compared to the "man who has spoken" and ...

FELLover - 699
23 Aug 2009

"so shut your ignorant gob"... Absolute quality from a "creature" that wants sociable residents on this forum!!! I also know I've a clear record from Blockbuster; the NHS stated I'm free of MRSA, albiet some time ago so I may be barking now, but I do have a few old injuries that ache every now and again. See thing is Fellover-699 people are getting fed up with your tabloid spouting, nobody knows ...

Sainsbury v. Tesco
22 Aug 2009

Fax me......yadda yadda yadda....this is the first time I have ever agreed with Fellover-699!!!!! Yes you have made a greater contribution to the state, more so than some, by the amount of ALCOHOL DUTY you have paid the the government! It's Saturday so I look forward to your contribution tomorrow when I get time to take a peek at the Forum and catch up on local issues for local people. Got to go ...

FELLover - 699
2 Aug 2009

HRM - Her Maj Revenue (forgot the Customs) or Hamilton Radio Modeling Club? See the thing is life in the UK needs Estate Agents, Bankers, Creditors and the like. You cannot ignore the fact....I'm needed by the populus!! I've no high horse, I've an M5 and a nice pad all on the back of the civilians of Devon! I've got to go, I need to pen a letter to my solicitor, she's blond, 6ft tall and quite a ...