Just got back from my travels and I see FELL - 699 is back to his best; Saturday night, been on the sauce and resorts to the usual booze fuelled abuse of everyone on the forum. If abuse and threats are all you can offer then take a hike and leave the forum so others come back and add comments of value rather than the alcopop slobber that we have to endure after your moronic key strokes at 01:30am on a Sunday morning, later Lawley
FELLover - 699. For the record I'm not a foolish individual. I have an IQ of 142 which puts me in the top 99% of the population, I am a graduate of Cambridge University where I came out with a double First in Mathematics. I decided not to follow an acedemic route but instead have a life in Devon and use my skills elswhere. So for clarity: Genius IQ is generally considered to begin around 140 to 145 Enjoy your time off from the shifts, I look forward to tomorrows ramblings! Sorry I couldn't meet you tonight but I was out at sea and have only just got back from my boat moored in Dartmouth.
oh contrare! a university graduate, mensa wannabe ? get off your high horse! 142? wow! you do realise that academic qualification does not prove intelligence? just the capacity to absorb information...not reasoning. you sad old fool. my iq is exactly the same as yours, yet i do NOT have a university belt... i am employed by HRM and have a clean bill of health from Mi5...babble all you want about (sad) parking issues, the fact remains that the intent to advise the public of restriction was there... technicalities ruled the day and the alleged offender got away with it...what heroes you all are! APPLAUSE I plan to invite all my enemies ( you are the agressors, let it be known) to meet me throughout the festivities of carnival week... should be fun... for me at least.
mmm... but you are (as stated) an estate agent... in my eyes and many others, you are the same as: BANKERS INSURERS CREDITORS GANGSTERS LIARS nuff said... wanna call me a drunk? you are all of the above. contact your solicitor you low life.
ok clever peeps... here it is: 07972 13xxxx anyone ? txt is sooo bland, let's hear a voice...NOBODY KNOWS ME!
Dave, (Frivolously, because it is Sunday) Your mathematical learning might have been put to better use had you claimed to be in the top 1% of the population, rather than the top 99%. Don
HRM - Her Maj Revenue (forgot the Customs) or Hamilton Radio Modeling Club? See the thing is life in the UK needs Estate Agents, Bankers, Creditors and the like. You cannot ignore the fact....I'm needed by the populus!! I've no high horse, I've an M5 and a nice pad all on the back of the civilians of Devon! I've got to go, I need to pen a letter to my solicitor, she's blond, 6ft tall and quite a philly. Now why did I need to contact her, you didn't say?
estate agents, bankers, creditors, politicians, you are all a bunch of wa###rs, how can you be proud of that? you drive a beemer? that sums you up. Out of 3 VAG motors, the 4 rings is the most tasteful, you scrotes always go for the beemers LOL!
I'll gladly meet you and drug user, CJD also...you guys are so clever when it comes to forums...how can this be a threat, it's me against 3...? Lawley? ok, you are an estate agent, you certainly ain't savvy...who the F is Lawley? I am beginning to realise I am way too young for these forums. I gave my mobile number out, yet nobody is man enough to discuss matters verbally.. look forward to interesting posts throughout carnie week...
you do realise we do watch people like you very closely? please do not continue to mock me with the suggestion that I am a drunk. You have your M5 and your 6ft blonde (doubtful, but i will check), but we all die on our own, the toys you carry with you in this life are meaningless. Ihave many toys and things dear to my heart, but it does not make me better than you, what makes me better than you is that I do not attack you directly as a person, I have never met you. Estate Agent though? NAH! we all know what you people are! WE do not need you, ANYONE can sell their own house with legal representation OR OWN SAVVY! REMORA!!!!!
I have told you many times before I will meet you any time, lets see if you call me drug user to my face, just say when and where.
FEL-699, I have masked your phone number because it is not advisable to publish personal information on forums. There are people out there who constantly crawl the web, using automated software, to gather personal details such as email addresses, addresses, phone numbers etc. Also, can we please refrain from arranging fights? I'm sure it's all in jest, but I have had a complaint from someone and I think they are referring to this thread.
Sorry if my comments were taken that way Webmaster, however the number I gave out would get thru to me but is not registered to me & could not be linked to me in any way. I do get sick of the comments about my alleged drinking though and words such as slobbering are provoking...
I'm sorry, are you a child or a resident at Langdon? Webmaster please take note at these infantile comments that keep being posted, I will show my restraint in return.
oooooh so touchy, is it one rule for you and to hell with the rest of us, you call me an old fool and imply that i live off a good state pension, or that i must be a child or an inmate of langdon, but when i give you a bit of banter back you cant take it
not at all, you use the method of suggestion that I am a drunk, yet this is 10 to 4 in the a.m... you are still spouting your abuse, i really do feel sorry for you, sorry, not you, but your parents, as they are the people that truly feel the pain... what a sad individual you are to resort to these tactics...i know i am not a drunk, i also know that i have a clear record as far as HM Govt. (your enemy) is concerned...i also know from the NHS and HM profiling that i am of sound mind...you however...
"so shut your ignorant gob"... Absolute quality from a "creature" that wants sociable residents on this forum!!! I also know I've a clear record from Blockbuster; the NHS stated I'm free of MRSA, albiet some time ago so I may be barking now, but I do have a few old injuries that ache every now and again. See thing is Fellover-699 people are getting fed up with your tabloid spouting, nobody knows me either so we're in the same world of Forum Secret Services. My final coment to you is "Charlie Oscar Charlie Kilo. Got to go and will not be around for a while, I'm heading to Oz to see the family.
Dave, Have a good holiday. My "profile" from my doctor says that I am mad but not mad enough. I might also observe that psychological profiling is not an exact science. Clearly. At age 59, I obviously fall into the old codger category for FEL-699 and I am trying to become a miserable, bitter old man but not really succeeding yet.
Please stay over there. Webmaster, it doesn't take an Einstein to see what this yob called me does it, is this what you call acceptable? In 1 fragrant moment I had enough of the tirade of abuse-"shut your ignorant gob"? is there anything wrong with telling someone to shut their mouth? gob is a slang term not profanity... Your abuse however is offensive. You going to do something about that Mr M?
Evenin' Don, I don't have any beef with you, it's the "personal" abuse I have been getting from PJD, Dave the estate agent and 4549 (CJD was a jibe and "druguser"? somebody used that before me and it winds the poor chap up) However, I do not intend to put up with comments regarding my intellect, nor will I have people referring to me as a slobbering idiot. They have now been formally warned. I have been contacted by....let's say the webmaster, to advise that I am scaring people away from posting...hmmm... i thought it was me that was being abused & being constantly invited to "meet up"... I am on the right side of common and statute law, sometimes they conflict, but in some forum members cases, they believe statute law can be broken by technicalities while they ignore the moral side of common law. This not only frustrates me, but gets me on my high horse, because not only am i a tax paying freedom loving member of the public out of hours, i also carry a duty of care to the public at all other times- people like this worry me & many many many of my colleagues on many levels. (hick) - (that's a free one for you bullies out there)
sorry about the over 55's bit as well, moment of frustration & I should know only too well not to tar everyone in the same age bracket with the same brush, it's just everytime I read a comment about me, I see Peter Harry's face LOL. I did not mean "psychological" profiling by the way, I also hate it's method for assessing staff in private sector (they do it at Tesco you know?) crazy- customers want to deal with a person, not a robot. Someone could fly through profiling and be the most obnoxious person in real life...
i do not have to defend myelf to you, you have given me abuse but i feel my replies to you have been civilised restraint
FEL-699, Thanks for post. You refer to your own anonymity in your posts and I think, if you are honest, you might admit that some of your own posts adopt a tone that you might not use in face to face conversation. Other people here have a similar style and name distortion and accusations of mental illness or intoxication (one way or another) are part of that. Those who abuse FEL-699 are not denigrating the real person that is you, only the image that is projected on a forum that can be akin to a hall of mirrors. Were all your posts written as the one above, I feel sure that nobody would be offended, even if they disagreed with your opinions. Cheers, Don
GOOD RIDDANCE! so your'e a sociable resident, yet you call me a cock? DOH! no, you are not in the same service as me you silly arse. I despise what is going on in right now, I also despise tax payers who watse other tax payers money, you can stay in Oz for all i care...and don't spread lies about what i called you, there's a law against that...