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General Discussion

downloads and mp3's baby! you must be using your gramophone as an ear trumpet now!

Corrupt Council?
26 Jun 2008

chicken shed! Thanking yourself?! You can now add schizophrenia to your paranoia. If it jokes you want then i suggest you tell everybody about the non-democratic process that takes place at Dawlish Clown Council meetings, regarding the 'clamp-down' of residents input. Exposing what truly goes on is not's enlightening. I see protheroe has managed to acquire a piece of land ...

Dawlish Gazette
26 Jun 2008

Your humour Chicken Shed, seems to echo your brain cells......sadly lacking.

Its wonderfull
26 Jun 2008

chicken shed I think you will find that the rise is being taken out of you....but you are too dumb to register anything but your narrow minded opinions. Typical council/cronie arrogance to assume only your comments are the truth. I believe that is known as bullying. You also seem to have the gift of hypocrisy, by accusing others of the very things you do. I suggest you give your postings for ...

Place to Visit
25 Jun 2008

avoid the anchor inn in cockwood. overpriced menu due to inflated reputation from mickey-mouse awards. dawlish isnt very good for restaurants but siew mai chinese takeaway is very good.

Its wonderfull
25 Jun 2008

chicken shed/anon/joey deacon/joe orton/rhode island red your assumption that only one person is debating and discussing our corrupt dawlish council on this forum is way off the mark.....and might i add....arrogant. perhaps you should be highlighting the fact that roundtable and rotary numbers are dwindling.....hence the protheroes attempting to recruit customers in their pub....and those ...

chicken shed/anon/joey deacon/joe orton/rhode island red your assumption that only one person is debating and discussing our corrupt dawlish council on this forum is way off the mark.....and might i add....arrogant. perhaps you should be highlighting the fact that roundtable and rotary numbers are dwindling.....hence the protheroes attempting to recruit customers in their pub....and those ...

Its wonderfull
25 Jun 2008

Yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn why don't you piss off

Corrupt Council?
25 Jun 2008

dont care you are as see-through as the huge gap between your ears....move on you sycophantic council sleeper. When the time is right, you will see enough 'brown-stuff' to implicate many of your kind.....

The shops in Dawlish
25 Jun 2008

If you did not have the tourist trade there would be no point in opening a shop at all. Proof of that is the empty streets in winter... yet people live here.