I think that the point being made (apologies to MCJPRC for putting words into your mouth), is that too many people in this country are too quick to believe propaganda promoted by the racists, without checking whether the opinion presented as fact is actually a falsehood. That said, USER4549 shouldn't be called a troll, just like USER4549 shouldn't call MCJPRC an idiot, and shouldn't call myself a ...
ROBERTA: Yes, a report states that there are apparently 85 of these Sharia Councils. But, why does their existence cause you to be scared?
ROBERTA: As you are a non-Muslim presumably, why does this scare you? In fact, irrespective of your religious denomination, do you understand that Sharia is irrelevant and that UK law overrides it completely and utterly (may I politely suggest that you please research beyond the Daily Mail or Daily Telegraph websites).
Irony alert! This is a letter in today's 'i' newspaper: It seems there are 8,000 Bulgarians ready to set foot on British soil. Don't they know we have malnutrition, slavery, austerity by the shedload, limited housing, unemployment, bedroom tax, corrupt politicians, lousy teachers, incompetent health workers and of course inefficient police and social services? Maybe I should consider ...
No wonder I like to use the word "hysterical"!
Hi ADELLE, ignore FREDBASSETT, there are plenty of lovely 4-bedroom homes in Dawlish, however I don't know how many are to let. Best of luck with your quest, as Dawlish really is a lovely little town to live in.
What about Wales and Northern Ireland? What about the Welsh and Northern Ireland MPs? Should 'we' not get rid of 'them' too?
I thought this was quite funny: A fat racist and a skinny racist jump off a cliff at the same time to see who lands first. Who wins? Society.
"Religious wars are basically people killing each other over who has the better imaginary friend" -- Napoleon Bonaparte”
PAUL: That's an interesting perspective and we can only surmise the kind of world we would be living in if there was no religion. I do tend to agree with your point about weak-minded being preyed upon by those in religious authority.