8 day events starting Saturday 8th August. http://www.dawlishcarnivalentertainment.co.uk/index.php?route=product/category&path=76
It's nearly that time of the year again. http://www.southdevonhub.co.uk/moreinfo.php?o=75
How long are these at Dawlish Warren car park for? I didn't think all the toilets were closing.
We now have a river running through Exeter Road
Teignbridge District Council is inviting people to give their views on how best to enhance one of Dawlish's assets. Teignbridge is keen to improve Boat Cove so it can attract even more visitors and is holding a drop-in session to hear what people think. As part of this process Teignbridge is hosting a drop in session between 4pm and 8pm on Tuesday 30 June at the Manor House, Old Town Street, ...
So sad, who's going to foot the bill for this?
So sad to see yet more vandalism one window at the back broken nearly all the other windows have been shattered by constant attempt to break them, drain pipes torn out despite being protected with metal casing. After the first attack one of the side windows remained open after the doors were board up i phoned to report it and it's still open.
Good to see Love at First Bite open today. Cafe's very busy in Piermont Place except Willo's which is closed.
Hear how the sea wall was repaired after severe storm damage in 2014. Thursday 25th June, 7pm - 8pm. Courtenay Centre, Newton Abbot, Free for the public. Book a place at www.southdevonutc.org