Here is an extract from the TDC submission to the public examination of the emerging Local Plan. The submission is dated August 2013 and it says this about the DA2 site in Dawlish. "Site DA2 is deliverable and viable. This is reflected in the findings of the SHLAA 2012 Update (CDD93, p7). Part of DA2 is already consented for a mixed use scheme of 76 dwellings (11/03265/MAJ) and new ...
@Kaz - my layperson 'take' on land around dawlish being developed for housing is that provided planning applications are submitted before the local plan is adopted then, given that tdc does not have an adopted local plan, there is no reason for such planning applications to be refused. we have just had a case in point with regard to the successful appeal re the shutterton park planning ...
Nah - can't see the Tories doin' that B'nut - t'would mean they'd have to admit it was, and is, a bad policy.
Just saw an advert in the Dawlish Post about this. Based at the Red Rock Centre, Sandy Lane.
Ah the good old Daily Smell - that totally devoted to the tories hate the lib dems newspaper. Good for Vince the Cable. I admire any politician who refuses to toe their party line, whatever their party. Sarah Woolaston comes to mind. I'm no tory but I do admire her.
Wasn't this story running a year ago?
Hi Michael, How's about some seating on Sandy Lane Playing Fields? And, oh dear, I don't know what they are called, but one of those things like there is up by Mamhead obelisk that explains what it is that can be seen from the view point. Well, one of those whatever they are called up on the highest point of Sandy Lane Playing Fields where, on a clear day, there is that lovely view towards the ...
Teignbridge District Council are needing to save more money and to this end they are looking at how the public toilet provision within the district can be revamped. Scroll down this link to find more info. With regard to Dawlish and the Warren the following is the suggested course of action: Dawlish Retain the toilets ...
And there was I wanting to ask you for your definition of 'secondary school discussion'. And who decides who knows what they are talking about and who does not? And who decides what knowledge is needed before a 'valid' opinion can be reached? And who decides what a 'valid' opinion is? And..............? And............? And...........? Get my drift?
@b.o.liking seconded. @HM2 I'll use whatever abbreviations I choose.