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General Discussion

Small improvements in the neighbourhood

Michael clayson
Michael clayson
12 Sep 2013 07:04

Suggestions invited!  Dawlish Town Council has set up a fund of £25,000 to fund small projects that improve quality of life in the parish.  We want to fund a range of small projects across the parish (Dawlish, Cockwood, Dawlish Warren, Holcombe) so we can spead the benefit.  


So please get in touch if you have suggestions of something in your neighbourhood that needs TLC or replacement - or maybe something new is needed?


You can post ideas here, or email me on, or contact any of the other town councillors.


Deadline for suggestions is September 27th

12 Sep 2013 07:40

Hi Michael,

How's about some seating on Sandy Lane Playing Fields? And, oh dear, I don't know what they are called, but one of those things like there is up by Mamhead obelisk that explains what it is that can be seen from the view point. Well, one of those whatever they are called up on the highest point of Sandy Lane Playing Fields where, on a clear day, there is that lovely view towards the east across the Exe Estuary towards to Orcombe Point, to the south west the view across Lyme Bay to Berry Head, and to the north west that view across the lovely Devon countryside up towards Mamhead. 

Haven't been up on Lea Mount for a while so don't know what the situation re seating is there but if there is no view identifier (or whatever they are called) perhaps one could go there as well?    

PS Would like to say a public thank you for the new seating  at Rockstone. The bushes have been cut back as well so now not only is there new seating but all the seats have a view across the sea.        


Michael clayson
Michael clayson
12 Sep 2013 08:23

You're welcome Lynne for the Rockstone benches, and thank you for highlighting a good example of what we are trying to achieve.  Small projects that make a real difference in a particular location, and make life just that bit better.


I think the word you were looking for was "Orientation Point" and I will add it to the list for consideration

12 Sep 2013 08:58

It may be Network Rail/FGW responsibility, but in the absence of any interest from them, is there anything that can be done to brighten up Dawlish station - hanging baskets, raised beds etc?   For anyone taking the scenic route along the sea wall, stepping off the train at Dawlish is a major letdown and a terrible advertisement for the town.   It's not like that at Teignmouth or Dawlish Warren, so why is Dawlish station so grotty.   

1 Agree
12 Sep 2013 09:32

You could replace the lights that used to hang between the big green poles by the viaduct.

2 Agrees
12 Sep 2013 09:36

Agree with Mcjrpc about the station, how can something so iconic also be a total emabarrassment to our town.

2 Agrees
12 Sep 2013 11:22

@ Michael

Being fully aware that Shutterton and especially the industrial estate area is not considered as being a part of Dawlish, it is unfortunatly situated between the busy tourist parks any everybody's favorite shopping venue Sainsbury's.

Allthough the area seems to have become the dumping ground for hundreds of second rate poor quality basically crap houses, nothing is being done to improve the facilities in the area.

Now the rumour locally is that the parcel company currently operating from the estate maybe moving shortly, therefore could their building be accquired for recreational public use i.e. a climbing wall, indoor bowling, shooting range, or whatever can by achieved.

In addition could the estate be treated to a bit of a make over with some modern lighting, flower beds, even some benches to sit on at lunch time. Plus some new signs telling people exactly what the dump is


2 Agrees
12 Sep 2013 18:05

@ Fred


Is that right, Nightfreight are moving?

If so, do you know why and where to?


Anyway, as for their building, it is not worth doing anything to it except demolish it.

When I was working there 10 years ago the place was a complete mess then, so what it's like now, I wouldnt like to say.

12 Sep 2013 20:26


My info Im afraid is not from a certifable source, however the site next to Wickes on Sowton has been identified apparantly. I remember when working locally they did do a fair bit of work on the Shutterton site building so it may be worth a look at.

12 Sep 2013 23:36

Well the following I think are worthy projects, admittidly a few of these are going to be costing more than £25,000 alone but this is Dawlish we are talking about and I feel the following would flourish Dawlish in such a big way that it would be amazing.


1. An Orientation "Oblisk" at Sandy Lane would be a spectacular landscape, architech and display.

2. More dog bins, the new lane between Sainsburys and Dawlish Warran has but one through it.

3. More flowers, what happened to the flowers in the Manor Grounds all patched over with grass.

4. A Town Shop colour scheme where each building has to have a selection of pastel colours.


Some bigger projects I think the Council should discuss and consider.

1. Another Public Toliet, during events the toliets are too busy.

2. A newley revamped Bowling Green and Club House.

3 The Millenium Bandstand (ok well atleast a new one).

4. Something made of the Sandy Lane Palladium.


All in no order at all, but well we shall see.

13 Sep 2013 08:09

I've never understood why more wasn't made of the playing fields (or the no-golf golf course as it used to be known).  It's ridiculous not to mow the top half of the fields as it cuts down on usage.  Why not plant some more trees and add some picnic benches?  We don't' make the most of what we have in Dawlish, don't start off some half-arse schemes - look after what we have please.

(ps) We were only talking about the lack of flowers in the Manor Grounds the other day and how beautiful it used to look @Observer.

1 Agree
13 Sep 2013 08:41

@TheObserver.  i like your town shop colour scheme idea.  there are some very garish paint jobs and a mishmash of shop fronts.   if there was a broad theme, it could look attractive without being bland. 

2 Agrees
19 Sep 2013 08:52

Right well, we don't have much longer on this and I'm surprised we don't have more people sharing their ideas here which is a great shame, however I have had a few more ideas so below I have made a list of them all, along with all the suggestions above.


1. An Orientation "Oblisk" at Sandy Lane would be a spectacular landscape, architech and display.

2. More dog bins, the new lane between Sainsburys and Dawlish Warran has but one through it.

3. More flowers, what happened to the flowers in the Manor Grounds all patched over with grass.

4. A Town Shop colour scheme where each building has to have a selection of pastel colours.

5. Seating on the Sandy Lane "No Golf" course.

6.  Shutteron Ind State made to look pretty.

7. Shops given money to display Christmas Trees (used to look spectacular)

8. More dog bins!


Some bigger projects I think the Council should discuss and consider.

1. Another Public Toliet, during events the toliets are too busy.

2. A newley revamped Bowling Green and Club House, even lights so they can play longer.

3 The Millenium Bandstand (ok well atleast a new one).

4. Something made of the Sandy Lane Pavillion.

5. Train Station tidyied and made to look special.

6. Brook dredged (Fish used to floruish in the book)

7. Manor gates re installed, they were spectacular.

2 Agrees
20 Sep 2013 22:25

nicely summarised @TheObserver

@Michael clayson, let us know whether any suggestions here are likely to move forward.

Do we still have a Town Manager (who would presumably be interested in this topic)?  I tried to contact her recently but she never returned my call.  I assumed she was on holiday and tried again a week later.  Nothing.   Hope there's a good reason and our taxes aren't being wasted. 

21 Sep 2013 06:56



I will most certainly be keeping everyone up to date on what happens.  I've deliberately avoided giving a running commentary on the ideas posted here as I don't think that helps.  I'd much rather read other people's ideas.


As for the TCM, yes still very much in place.  If you want to email me on I'd be happy to pass on any messages.

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