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General Discussion

It's funny how May has been trying to get a deal for two years and failed miserably, but as soon as Trump threatens the EU with tariffs and a trade war, dear old Druncker is on a plane to Washington as fast as it will take him.  The truth is, it is the EU that desperately needs Trump and US trade.

27 Jul 2018

I'm rather pleased that the EU has rejected May's ultra-soft Brexit proposal presented at Cheqeurs the other week, it means we can now get on preparing for a no-deal hard Brexit, which is what we should have been doing since the day after the referendum.  The EU has no intention of doing a deal with the UK, and hard Brexit is the only option, it's certainly what I voted for.

27 Jul 2018

Care to provide a link to the ration book story, Mrs C, or is it just more fake news from the Remoaners?

27 Jul 2018

Well you could eat a swan, but unless it was already dead when you found it you'd be in trouble.

27 Jul 2018

Nobody will force you to eat anything you don't want to eat.  It's that simple.

27 Jul 2018

A word that can only be used to describe white people in a derogatory way isn't racist?

27 Jul 2018

Gammon(s) is a racist and hate speech.  Not surprised Mrs C uses the term.

27 Jul 2018

I wondered when that racist term would be thrown into the mix.

26 Jul 2018

Because life in this country only existed post-1973.

But the Remain side cheated and were fined, my post on the Irish Border thread will enlighten you.

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